Diamond dozen (Help)

# Claim the coins while defeating the marauding ogres.
# If you defeat the ogre with the most health, the rest of the ogres will run!
# Coins vanish quickly after appearing, so be sure to find the best value!

def findMostHealth(enemies):
    target = None
    targetHealth = 0
    enemyIndex = 0
    while enemyIndex < len(enemies):
        enemy = enemies[enemyIndex]
        if enemy.health > targetHealth:
            target = enemy
            targetHealth = enemy.health
        enemyIndex += 1
    return target

# Make a function named findOptimalCoin which returns the coin with the best value.
def findOptimalCoin(coins):
    optimal = -1000
    thione = None
    for coin in coins:
        if coin.value / self.distanceTo(coin) > optimal:
            optimal = coin.value / self.distanceTo(coin)
            thione = coin
    return thione
# Coins rapidly appear and disappear, so pick the best coin.
# Optimize your path by going for the coin with the largest value over distance.
while True:
    enemies = hero.findEnemies()
    enemy = findMostHealth(enemies)
    if enemy and enemy.health > 15:
        while enemy.health > 0:
        coins = hero.findItems()
        coin = findOptimalCoin(coins)
        if coin:
            hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y)


What is wrong with my code?

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To Be Honest Their Is Nothing Wrong With Your Code I Read It And Then Used It On The Same Level And It Said Success.

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Then it could be an equipment issue?

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What equipment should I use?


Post a screenshot of what you are wearing, that way we can tell

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Okay I will do that now.

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This is it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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you know, this should work. I tried this level with the same equipment and it worked.

Try Using Boots Of Leaping And If That Doesn’t Work Try Contacting @Nick.

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Gotcha. @Wealthy-Boss

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Nick won’t respond. :no_mouth:

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@Wealthy-Boss What equipment are you using.

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Nevermind it was a bug. When i clicked submit it worked.:smiley:


results are slightly different when I run vs when I submit. Submit gets more coins but apparently something is still wrong. Can anyone assist?

// Claim the coins while defeating the marauding ogres.

function findMostHealth(enemies) {
    var target = null;
    var targetHealth = 0;
    var enemyIndex = 0;
    while(enemyIndex < enemies.length) {
        var enemy = enemies[enemyIndex];
        if(enemy.health > targetHealth) {
            target = enemy;
            targetHealth = enemy.health;
        enemyIndex += 1;
    return target;

function valueOverDistance(item) {
    return item.value / hero.distanceTo(item);

// Return the item with the highest valueOverDistance(item)
function findBestItem(items) {
    var bestItem = null;
    var bestValue = 0;
    var itemsIndex = 0;
    // Loop over the items array.
    // Find the item with the highest valueOverDistance()
    while(itemsIndex < items.length) {
        var item = items[itemsIndex];
            if (valueOverDistance(item) > bestValue) {
               bestValue = item.value;
                bestItem = item;
        } itemsIndex ++ ;
    return bestItem;

while(true) {
    var enemies = hero.findEnemies();
    var enemy = findMostHealth(enemies);
    if(enemy && enemy.health > 15) {
        while(enemy.health > 0) {
    } else {
        var coins = hero.findItems();
        var coin = null;
        coin = findBestItem(coins);
        if(coin) {
            hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y);

Ah, yes. To clarify, run uses the same seed every run, making it easier to complete it with a specific code that only works for that certain seed. Submit on the other hand, uses a random seed every run, making it impossible to “hard-code” it and succeed. Since I’m horrible at JS, you might want to ask someone like @brooksy125. :sob:

I noticed that you are comparing the function valueOverDistance(item) to bestValue, but then assigning the item.value to bestValue. Since the item value will be higher than item.value/ hero.distanceTo(item), your first item will always be returned as the best item.

            if (valueOverDistance(item) > bestValue) {  
               bestValue = item.value; //change this value

Thanks. Didn’t occur to me that I could use the function again as an object itself. Code reuse I guess.

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