Don't Rush, Be Quiet - How does this code slow down the hero?

Hi, CodeCombat Forum!!!

In the level “Don’t Rush Be Quiet”, I do not understand how this code slows the hero down.
Is there background code that slows down the hero or is there something I’m not understanding here?

There is nothing in the level that is slowing down the hero. It is all about the:

while True:
    time =
    x = mod30(time) + 25
    y = mod40(time) + 10
    self.moveXY(x, y)

Speeding up kills you, but, you can multiply time * 2, or * 10 to start moving at full speed.

Consider it, using mod30(time) + 25, the position at time = 0 is “x = 25”, the position at time = 1 is “x = 26”. In this situation you are only moving 1 unit per second, when a normal maxSpeed is ~8 units per second (+/- depending on which gear you are using.)


Okay!!! Let me see if I understand everything correctly here.

so according to:

time =
x = mod30(time) + 25
y = mod40(time) + 10

starting position is 25 = x & 10 = y.
the hero’s next position is x = (time) + 25 & y = (time) + 10.
mod30 resets the “x” position to 25 (x = 25) at 30 seconds in game time.
mod40 resets the “y” position to 10 (y = 10) at 40 seconds in game time.

Yes, and be sure to understand that mod30(number) returns a number from [0 - 30] even after ‘resetting’. So it goes:

1, 2, 3, …, 29, 30, 1, 2, 3, …, 29, 30, etc.