Easiest way to select the enemy hero

So far I’ve had zero luck with this working. I’ve tried this

# Defeat the enemy hero in two minutes.
    enemies = self.findEnemies()
    nearestEnemy = self.findNearest(enemies)
    item = self.findNearest(self.findItems())
    # Your hero can collect coins and summon troops.
    if item:
        if self.gold > self.costOf("archer"):
    friends = self.findFriends()
    enemyHero = friend.findNearest([e for e in friend.findEnemies() if e.id is "Hero Placeholder"])
    for friend in friends:
        self.command(friend, "attack", enemyHero)

I’m getting errors on the friend.Nearest and friend.findEnemies() not be a valid function. I’ve tried using “self” instead of “friend” and that says the target it null… Help :frowning: