Easiest way to select the enemy hero

Enemy hero id can be "Hero Placeholder" or "Hero Placeholder 1".

Examples for finding enemy hero (best to just add these to the top of the code, outside the main loop, and forget):

# Python
enemyHero = [e for e in self.findEnemies() if e.id in ["Hero Placeholder", "Hero Placeholder 1"]][0]
// JavaScript
var enemyHero = this.findEnemies().filter(function (e) {
    return e.id === 'Hero Placeholder' || e.id === 'Hero Placeholder 1';

In mirror matches (Zero Sum, Ace of Coders) it’s easier to just do

# Python
enemyHero = self.findByType(self.type)[0] or self.findByType('knight')[0]
// JavaScript
var enemyHero = this.findByType(this.type)[0] || this.findByType('knight')[0];

as both players have the same hero type (or Tharin if their game session is bugged out).