Example for a variable code for towers for python

I need to know how to use variables with the towers like for example if I put an archer at A I code have a another variable I also need an example of a if>mana=20 code to use with those variables. Basically I need know how to switch to a different tower spot.

Hereā€™s something that you can do.

Idk python exactly, but I think what your asking for is something like something along the lines of:

towerA = hero.build('archer', 'A')
towerB = hero.build('archer', 'B')
if(hero.mana > 20):
    if(towerA.level > towerB.level):
        hero.build('archer', 'B')
    elif(towerB.level > towerA.level):
        hero.build('archer', 'A')

from what I understand you are trying to change tower levels or something like that, so hereā€™s and example of balancing the levels of two towers, both archers, labeled towerA and tower B.

Python :upside_down_face:

towerA = hero.build('archer', 'A')
towerB = hero.build('archer', 'B')
if hero.mana > 20:
    if towerA.level > towerB.level:
        hero.build('archer', 'B')
    elif towerB.level > towerA.level:
        hero.build('archer', 'A')
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So I would just repeat that with the counters or would I put the counters like in a while true loop then add a if hero. mana code

What i was trying to do was make variables for all the towers so I can make a while true loop of the counter anomalies code so that Only when I had 20 mana it would place a tower and the rest of the time it would be looking for anomalies I just need an example to go off of.

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Trying to figure it out myself. The best I can figure is make your search for anomalies go between every step of your program. Maybe turn it into a function to make it easier

This is in JavaScript so you may have to some translating

function bofa(){
    tp counter stuff idk
    hero.build(ā€˜archerā€™, ā€˜Aā€™);
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Iā€™ve tried that but when I do that when its waiting for enough mana it doesnā€™t continue the teleport counter code.

You need to have a loop like this before you cast the build, so the code doesnā€™t freeze:

while hero.mana < 25:

hero.build('your-building', 'A')    

No, you need to do

if hero.mana >= 25:
    hero.build('your-building', 'A')


while True:
    if hero.mana >= 25:
hero.build('your-building', 'A')

so that there is no infinite loop

It works, because its not a ā€œinfinite loopā€, since hero.mana is constantly increasing.

It doesnā€™t, donā€™t ask me why, CodeCombat thinks that pretty much any loop with a condition is an infinite loop

Hi, TheBredMeister. Do you know if Python 3 will be in CodeCombat?

Itā€™s not possible to use other coding languages in the browser, since they all have to be compiled to JavaScript (as far as I know), the best editor I know of is Replitā€¦