Grid minefield - adventurer

there is an alternate solution to grid minefield

which does not have you take any damage at all or step on anything

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Ok. Anyway you used the nested loop and it was the main goal of that level. I think the ogre fireworks is more fun.
But if you want solve it boring way, why not :wink:

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I didn’t read the comments carefully, and did exactly the same… :wink:

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It’s a demo level about nested loops for coordinates and players have the sample code with predefined loops as an example.

First I made it as you did. But it was boring and I shifted it to make the big blow.

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Shouldn’t a hammer that can build fire-traps be required for the level?

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Should be. I remember that bug was fixed.


Hm. It didn’t for me. It’s not very important, though.

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Hint says “We much prepare the meeting for our ‘guests’”, typo, should be “must”?


@Tom_H that is so cool

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@Hellenar Yeah, yeah I was just about to post a topic about that typo, it’s still there.
