Help: Treasured In Ice

my hero only moves in a certain way and it does not reach the chest, im not sure why
also can someone explain what Vector does

# Find the treasure inside the maze.
# When you get the treasure, move to the exit.
# The exit is marked by the red cross. The level ends when you step on the mark.
# Some doors are blocked, some open when you are near them.

exitPosition = {"x": 150, "y": 120}
distanceBetweenRooms = 16
zeroShift = {"x": 10, "y": 10}

# Escape from the maze!
# Some doors are blocked, some open when you are near them.
distance = 16
move = Vector(distance, 0)
direction = Vector.add(move, hero.pos)
while True:
    while not (hero.isPathClear(hero.pos, direction)):
        move = Vector.rotate(move, Math.PI / 2)
        direction = Vector.add(move, hero.pos)
        # hero.say(direction)
    hero.moveXY(direction.x, direction.y)
    move = Vector.rotate(move, -Math.PI / 2)
    direction = Vector.add(move, hero.pos)
inSearch = True

width = 19
height = 15

wall = "X"
unknown = "?"
empty = "."

maze = []
# left border
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width - 1):
for i in range(height - 1):
    if i % 2:
        for j in range(width - 1):
        for j in range(width - 1):
            if j % 2:

for j in range(width - 1):
for i in range(height):

hero.row = 13
hero.col = 17
exitRow = 13
exitCol = 17

item = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())
distance = 16
move = Vector(distance, 0)
direction = Vector.add(move, hero.pos)
while True:
    while True:
        while not (hero.isPathClear(hero.pos, direction)):
            move = Vector.rotate(move, Math.PI / 2)
            direction = Vector.add(move, hero.pos)
        # hero.say(direction)
        hero.moveXY(direction.x, direction.y)
        move = Vector.rotate(move, -Math.PI / 2)
        direction = Vector.add(move, hero.pos)

can someone please help me this is my code

# I stole this
# Find the treasure inside the maze.
# When you get the treasure, move to the exit.
# The exit is marked by the red cross. The level ends when you step on the mark.
# Some doors are blocked, some open when you are near them.

exitPosition = {"x": 150, "y": 120}
chest = hero.findItems()[0]
walls = [[0] * 4 for i in range(100)]
steps = []

def direction(n):
    x = 0
    y = 0
    if n == 0:
        y += 16
    elif n == 1:
        x += 16
    elif n == 2:
        y -= 16
        x -= 16
    return {"x": hero.pos.x + x, "y": hero.pos.y + y}

while True:
    jMod = 0
    doNext = True
    lastStep = (steps[-1] + 2) % 4
    yDif = hero.pos.y - chest.pos.y
    xDif = hero.pos.x - chest.pos.x
    if hero.distanceTo(chest) < 5:
    if yDif > 1:
        if xDif > 1:
            jMod = 2
            jMod = 1
        if xDif > 1:
            jMod = 3
    # hero.say(jMod)
    for j in range(4):
        i = (j + jMod) % 4
        checkPoint = direction(i)
        if hero.isPathClear(hero.pos, checkPoint) and walls[len(steps)][i] == 0 and i != lastStep:
            hero.moveXY(checkPoint.x, checkPoint.y)
            doNext = False
    if doNext:
        checkPoint = direction(lastStep)
        walls[len(steps) - 1][steps[-1]] = 1
        hero.moveXY(checkPoint.x, checkPoint.y)

while hero.distanceTo(exitPosition) > 10:
    checkPoint = direction((steps[-1] + 2) % 4)
    hero.moveXY(checkPoint.x, checkPoint.y)

hero.moveXY(exitPosition.x, exitPosition.y)

it says cannot read proptery “2” of undefined

@ineedhelpwithcoding and @cxctia
i have solution both of you

[Code removed by a moderator: Please don’t post successful solutions as it is counterproductive to the learning process]

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