Hit and freeze HELP

@rocketoofer, you need to use an if statement to check if the enemy exists in the first place. Something like this:

if enemy:
     #Find the distance of the enemy


Thank you. That was very helpful. :slight_smile:

You are trapped. Don’t move, it’ll be painful.

This function checks if the enemy is in your attack range.

def inAttackRange(enemy):
distance = hero.distanceTo(enemy)
if distance <= 3:
return True
return False

while True:
enemy = hero.findEnemies()

canAttack = inAttackRange

if canAttack == True:

What am I doing wrong… my dude keeps on getting killed and when it doesn’t move it doesn’t attack.

Hi Reyansh_Tandon,

Your function inAttackRange needs to have something to work on (called an argument) that you pass in - in this case (enemy).

So when you put ‘canAttack = inAttackRange’, this should be 'canAttack = inAttackRange(enemy). However, at the moment your function will only run if a single thing is put in (ie one enemy), but you’ve defined enemy as an array (‘enemy = findEnemies()’). What do you need to do to find one enemy, to put into the function?


I need help with my code here it is:
It says there is no enemy

# You are trapped. Don't move, it'll be painful.
# This function checks if the enemy is in your attack range.
def inAttackRange(enemy):
    distance = hero.distanceTo(enemy)
# Almost all swords have attack range of 3.
if distance <= 3:
    return True
    return False


# Attack ogres only when they're within reach.
while True:
# Find the nearest enemy and store it in a variable.
# Call inAttackRange(enemy), with the enemy as the argument
# and save the result in the variable canAttack.
canAttack = inAttackRange()
# If the result stored in canAttack is True, then attack!
if canAttack == True:

Delete that hero.findNearestEnemy().

Change that to enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy(). Then indent all of the code after the while true loop so that it runs.

The reason enemy isn’t defined is because you didn’t store hero.findNearestEnemy() into a variable.
You didn’t define enemy because all you did was hero.findNearestEnemy(), you didn’t make hero.findNearestEnemy() a variable.

Same problem here. You didn’t store hero.findNearestEnemy() in a variable.
You only made the hero look for an enemy, but you didn’t keep track of the enemy.

Name the variable enemy. I can’t tell you how to make a variable or that’d be giving the answer :stuck_out_tongue:

I think if you stored all of the hero.findNearestEnemy() into variable(s), I think you should be able to pass the level.

On line 18 it said that my code “InAttackrange” is not defined

# Attack ogres only when they're within reach.
while True:
    # Find the nearest enemy and store it in a variable.
    enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
    # Call inAttackRange(enemy), with the enemy as the argument
    # and save the result in the variable canAttack.
    **canAttack = inattackrange(enemy)**
    # If the result stored in canAttack is True, then attack!
    if canAttack: 

Note the * is because it is bolded

Capitalize the A and R, it should be inAttackRange(enemy)

Now it states that line 20 is not defined

Try making the h in Hero.attack(enemy) lowercase. (line 21)

Line 20 is still undefined

Make that:

if canAttack:

Delete the enemy with the parenthesis. Also delete the string, you don’t need the " " around canAttack = inAttackRange(enemy)

Like @abc said, try make if canAttack(enemy): into if canAttack:.
I’m sorry if I’m mistaken, but I think if canAttack: should also be made into if canAttack == True:. :slight_smile:

Thank you. I passed the level.

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Hey, so I tried that code and fixing it, but I get an error saying the canAttack isn’t defined. What’s wrong there?

Hi Necrotis1,

Welcome to the forum!

You’re posting on a topic that’s a few months old, so the others may not see it. If you’re stuck on the level, can you post your code (format it by clicking on the </> symbol above) and we’ll try to help you.
