How do I do this?

I is it possible do have the hero say some thing like this hero.say("help”) and a bunch of soldiers will come? If so, how would I do that?

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Do you mean in the level editor (hence the artisan tag?)? If so, then yes. I’m pretty sure you could. You could look at the referee code of some levels where a precise message is needed (secret names in the mountain and others.). I think it’s always a good plan to check out other levels’ code to see how certain things are done.
Also @Chaboi_3000 might be able to help you.

Ok then let me try (you are really bugging me 20 chars)

yes that is what I mean

Calm yourself… :man_facepalming:. @ing chaboi isn’t going to make him help you faster. Is this problem of the upmost urgency? I don’t really see why it would be, so why the rush? Why not spend your time looking at other levels’ code and setup and maybe forking a level (top right corner button somewhere) and making some changes?
5 mins isn’t really enough time to learn something quite hard.

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I also do not really know how to use a referee :man_shrugging: could you help me with that @Deadpool198?

Look what just happened, is something wrong?

Here’s an example of an action triggered by a hero saying a phrase(Cell Commentary). Try to work out the code from here. :

  password: "Achoo" 
  setUpLevel: ->
    @omarn = @world.getThangByID("Omarn")
    @hero.actions.say.cooldown = 3
    @hero.oSay = @hero.say
    @hero.saidMessages = saidMessages = []
    @hero.ref = @
    @hero.say = (a, b, c) ->
      if a is "achoo"
        throw new Error
      @saidMessages.push a
      @oSay a, b, c
  configOmarn: ->
    @omarn.oSay = @omarn.say
    @omarn.oSay2 = @omarn.sayWithoutBlocking
    @omarn.say = (message, data, _excess) ->
      return if message is "Take that!"
      @oSay message, data, _excess
    @omarn.sayWithoutBlocking = (message, duration) ->
      return if message is "Take that!"
      @oSay2 message, duration
  hear: (who, what, data) ->
    if who is @hero
      if what is @password
        @hasHeard = true
        @setGoalState "say-password", "success"
        if @omarn.spriteName is "Potion Master"
          @omarn.throw "Dungeon Door"
          @omarn.cast "fireball", "Dungeon Door"
      else if what isnt @hero.saidMessages[0]
        @hasHeardWrong = true
  onFirstFrame: ->
    @hero.voiceRangeSquared = 9001 * 9001
    if @hero.spriteName is "Potion Master"
      backup = @world.getThangByID "Nalfar"
      backup.pos = @omarn.pos.copy()
      @omarn.setExists false
      backup.keepTrackedProperty "pos"
      @omarn = backup
  chooseAction: ->
    if @world.age > 1 and not @hasHeard
      if @hasHeardWrong
        @omarn.say @icontext.inBlue
        # In Hebrew it should be: "קרא את ההערות בריבוע הכחול!"
        #@omarn.say "Read the blue comments!"
        @omarn.say @icontext.read_comments
    if @world.rand.rand(10) is 1
      munchkin = @instabuild "munchkin-"+["m","f"][@world.rand.rand 2], 34, 35
    for munchkin in @world.thangs when munchkin.type is 'munchkin' and munchkin.exists
      if munchkin.x < -2
        munchkin.setExists false
    if @omarn.action is 'throw' and @omarn.actionHeats.throw > 0
      @omarn.sayWithoutBlocking @icontext.ges
      @omarn.setAction 'idle'
      @blownUpDoor = true
    if @blownUpDoor and @world.age > 6
      @omarn.sayWithoutBlocking @icontext.grab
  #checkVictory: ->

I actually will try making that in a level and send you the link! thanks!

how would I put that in?

It just gives me an error here is my level:

the level will not load

Did you put it in the referee ExtraCode?

yes I did but for some reason It does not work.

it gives me an infinite loop warning and I have never played the level

  password: "Achoo" 
  setUpLevel: ->
    @omarn = @world.getThangByID("Omarn")
    @hero.actions.say.cooldown = 3
    @hero.oSay = @hero.say
    @hero.saidMessages = saidMessages = []
    @hero.ref = @
    @hero.say = (a, b, c) ->
      if a is "achoo"
        throw new Error
      @saidMessages.push a
      @oSay a, b, c
  configOmarn: ->
    @omarn.oSay = @omarn.say
    @omarn.oSay2 = @omarn.sayWithoutBlocking
    @omarn.say = (message, data, _excess) ->
      return if message is "Take that!"
      @oSay message, data, _excess
    @omarn.sayWithoutBlocking = (message, duration) ->
      return if message is "Take that!"
      @oSay2 message, duration
  hear: (who, what, data) ->
    if who is @hero
      if what is @password
        @hasHeard = true
        @setGoalState "say-password", "success"
        if @omarn.spriteName is "Potion Master"
          @omarn.throw "Dungeon Door"
          @omarn.cast "fireball", "Dungeon Door"
      else if what isnt @hero.saidMessages[0]
        @hasHeardWrong = true
  onFirstFrame: ->
    @hero.voiceRangeSquared = 9001 * 9001
    if @hero.spriteName is "Potion Master"
      backup = @world.getThangByID "Nalfar"
      backup.pos = @omarn.pos.copy()
      @omarn.setExists false
      backup.keepTrackedProperty "pos"
      @omarn = backup
  chooseAction: ->
    if @world.age > 1 and not @hasHeard
      if @hasHeardWrong
        @omarn.say @icontext.inBlue
        #@omarn.say "Achoo!"
        @omarn.say @icontext.read_comments
    if @world.rand.rand(10) is 1
      munchkin = @instabuild "munchkin-"+["m","f"][@world.rand.rand 2], 34, 35
    for munchkin in @world.thangs when munchkin.type is 'munchkin' and munchkin.exists
      if munchkin.x < -2
        munchkin.setExists false
    if @omarn.action is 'throw' and @omarn.actionHeats.throw > 0
      @omarn.sayWithoutBlocking @icontext.ges
      @omarn.setAction 'idle'
      @blownUpDoor = true
    if @blownUpDoor and @world.age > 6
      @omarn.sayWithoutBlocking @icontext.grab
  #checkVictory: ->
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Please take a closer look at the code. For example, look at line 4. In your level, there’s no thang called Omarn, that’s one error. I do not expect you to copy/paste the code at all. I advise actually looking deeper into the code and use the pieces of it and change it to fit your own situation.

I changed that there is, Look at the potion masters id