Okay. The level backwoods standoff is starting to annoy me. I don’t know if it is a bug or a glitch, but whenever I use this code:
while True:
enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
if (enemy and hero.isReady('cleave')):
The goals section says “Ran out of time” And my hero also won’t attack the munchkins, and instead it just says, “But it’s dead!” I need all of you users out there to help me.
P.S. Here is a cute cat for you all to look at while you think.
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Hi @ThePuzzlerThree , welcome to the CodeCombat discourse.
I’m not sure why this isn’t working, your code works for me. This means it’s probably an equipment problem. Could you post a screenshot of your inventory and you screen while you’re playing the level.
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Okay. First of all, thanks. Second of all, I have your images:
Somehow, though, when I went into the level to get the screenshots just now, it already said goals completed successfully.

But thanks anyway! This was an interesting little glitch.
See ya!-ThePuzzlerThree 
P.S.Also, if you haven’t noticed by now, I love cats. Here is an animated gif!!!