No other reason I wasn’t here except that I forgot both my email and password(mostly)
I actually never really left I just was not logged in
Welcome back dude!
It’s been a long time…
monsty! it’s nice to see one of the older members are back. the discourse is in a slump in activity the not even the everything pm is that active.
Monsty!!! Welcome back!
(Does anyone else think it’s creepy that people are watching us without showing themselves? Now I know of at least 2 people who’ve done that.)
Oh yah that is creepy… Welcome back! dont remember u. I think u are from before my time.
Welcome back Monsty.
Welcome back!
20 chars
Welcome back
I kind of remember you when I first made my acc
Hey welcome back dude ! Even though
I never met you before
Welcome back Monsty!!
People will read our posts and everything, but they don’t have an account. So they can’t post or like things. They can see us and watch us, but we can’t see them.
Hey there Monsty! Welcome back! All though I made my acc like, a few years after you (what ever year you joined,) I’ve seen you in a lot of convos.
Hey guys! Thanks for welcoming me back!
Ill be very online for the next two months. (Just finished year 7 exams and moving onto year 8)
Passed with horrible marks! Yay!
On the bright side, I’ve got a new laptop, so a bit more of me being online!
Don’t ask me what my marks are
I was just glad not to get a C in math last term.
Theres this person in my class and she so smart at everything than me(@Hollyleaf8110)
yay i did that before i joined well just a little on tip and tricks topics
idrk if this counts as reviving dead topics but i think don’t post msgs in dead topics bc as far as i can remember ppl don’t like that
edit: im also back!!!
welcome back!
20 chars
thank you!! 20 randomly placeed chars