Lost Viking Bug

In the level Lost Viking, even though i used the hints and did exactly what they said, my hero always mess up around step 32, and the land mines trigger.
Is this a bug or a code error?
Here’s my code:

# You MUST click on the HELP button to see a detailed description of this level!

# The raven will tell you what to use for your maze parameters!

# How many sideSteps north of the Red X you've taken.
sideSteps = 1

# How many steps east of the Red X you've taken.
steps = 1

# Multiply this with steps to determine your X coordinate. DON'T CHANGE THIS!

# Multiply this with sideSteps to determine your Y coordinate. DON'T CHANGE THIS!
slide = 10
switch = 7
skip = 11
to_skip = False
switches = 0
# The maze is 35 steps along the X axis.
while steps < 35:
    # Take the next step:
    if steps % skip == 0 and steps != 0:
        to_skip = True
    if steps % switch == 0 and steps != 0:
        switches += 1
    if sideSteps > slide:
        sideSteps = 1
    if sideSteps < 1:
        sideSteps = slide
    if to_skip:
        if switch % 2 == 0:
            hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, (sideSteps + 1)* Y_PACE_LENGTH)
            to_skip = False
            steps += 1
            sideSteps += 2
        if switch % 2 == 1:
            hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, (sideSteps + 1)* Y_PACE_LENGTH)
            to_skip = False
            steps += 1
            sideSteps -= 2
    if switches % 2 == 0:
        hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
        steps += 1
        sideSteps +=1
    if switches % 2 == 1:
        hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
        steps += 1
        sideSteps -=1
    # Increment steps and sideSteps as appropriate, taking into account the special rules

Is something wrong here…
Screenshot of failure:


Please someone help!! I can’t figure out this thing…
Even if i separately code it and make it to the end
it will say “Ran out of time” anyway…
HELP! :cry:

In the lost viking, there is an error :
I attack the burl,
I move in x = 0, y = 0,
I move at the nearest burl of viking helmet,
and is finish!

I don’t think you are supposed to attack the burls.

You aren’t supposed to attack burls.

I know…
It’s a bug of Lost Viking.

Mod edit: Please do not post for assistance in multiple locations for the same issue. You will not receive assistance faster with multiple posts. Also, please do not copy and paste entire threads from another topic. Thanks.

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