Loud Quietness C++ help please

I keep getting a error password.toUpperCase is not a function. What am I doing wrong here?

// Move the hero and their pet to the exits.

auto onHear(auto event) {
    // Get the volume and the password.
    auto words = event.message.split(" ");
    auto volume = words[0];
    auto password = words[1];
    //  If the password should be loud:
    if (volume == "Loud") {
        // The pet repeats it in UPPER CASE.

    // If the password should be quiet:
    if (volume == "Quiet") {
        // The pet repeats it in lower case.
    pet.moveXY(pet.pos.x+ 24, pet.pos.y);

auto passDoor() {
    auto guard = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends());
    auto password = guard.password;
    //  If the password should be loud:
    if (guard.isLoud) {
        // Use the .toUpperCase() method on the password and say it.
    // If the password should be quiet:
    else if (guard.isQuiet) {
        // Use the .toLowerCase() method on the password and say it.
    hero.moveXY(hero.pos.x+ 24, hero.pos.y);

int main() {
    // Enable the pet to hear the guards.
    pet.on("hear", onHear);
    // The code for the hero to pass the doors.
    hero.moveXY(10, 14);
    return 0;

It’s .toupper() or .toUpper() (not sure which) in c++

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