hi quick question in javascript misty island mine at the hero.gold >= hero.costOf(‘decoy’) why it say
i only can summon soldier and archer how do i fix this?
// If the peasant is the target of the enemy
// AND the hero has enough gold for a decoy
if (enemy.target == peasant && hero.gold >= hero.costOf("decoy")) {
// Command a peasant to build a "decoy":
hero.command(peasant, "buildXY", peasant.pos.x, peasant.pos.y);
// Add a continue so the peasant doesn't collect coins when building.
I’m pretty sure you need to equip the stone hammer to build a decoy. I don’t think there is any other way of summoning a decoy. Since the decoy comes from the stone hammer. The boss star doesn’t work on it. Altho im pretty sure the cost is 60? Here’s a snippet:
if hero.gold >= **:
hero.buildXY("apples", hero.pos.x, hero.pos.y)
Remember. It comes from the stone hammer. hero.summon will not work
// Collect gold efficiently by commanding peasants wisely!
// Peasants should collect coins and build decoys.
// The function should return the best item per target
// Use an array of ids to ensure no two peasants target the same item.
function findBestItem(friend, excludedItems) {
var items = friend.findItems();
var bestItem = null;
var bestItemValue = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var item = items[i];
// indexOf searches and array for a certain element:
var idx = excludedItems.indexOf(item);
// If the array doesn't contain it, it returns -1
// In that case, skip over that item as another peasant is targeting it.
if(idx != -1) { continue; }
// Finish the function!
// Remember bestItemValue should be the highest item.value / distanceTo
bestItemValue = bestItemValue > item.value / hero.distanceTo(item);
bestItem = item;
return bestItem;
// This function checks if you have enough gold for a decoy.
function enoughGoldForDecoy() {
return hero.gold >= 25;
while(true) {
var peasants = hero.findByType("peasant");
// Create a new array every loop.
var claimedItems = [];
for(var i = 0; i < peasants.length; i++) {
var peasant = peasants[i];
var enemy = peasant.findNearestEnemy();
if(enemy) {
// If the peasant is the target of the enemy
// AND the hero has enough gold for a decoy
if (enemy.target == peasant) {
// Command a peasant to build a "decoy":
hero.command(peasant, "buildXY", "decoy", peasant.pos.x, peasant.pos.y);
// Add a continue so the peasant doesn't collect coins when building.
var item = findBestItem(peasant, claimedItems);
if(item) {
// After an item is claimed, stick it in the claimedItems array.
// Command the peasant to collect the coin:
hero.command(peasant, "move", item.pos);
now im not sure about js, but just to avoid problems, separate those
so make an if-statement checking if bestItemValue < item.value / hero.distanceTo(item) then adjust bestItemValue and bestItem variables
Again im not sure about js, but try making it an if-statement
if the gold is greater than 25, return true for example
you didnt make use of that comment, use the function above to do what is required in the comments
I suggest you put this in the last parameter: {"x":item.pos.x, "y":item.pos.y}