[Mountain Flower Grove] Flower Text Box

Status: [FINISHED]
Version: 1.0

In the post [Official Flower Grove Topic] I said I would upload the code, but in the end I decided to create a post explaining how it goes with the code.

You’re going to need the “Ring of Flowers” and have unlocked the level “Mountain Flower Grove”.

Message Flower Box Code v1.0 **NEW!!!**
//  Message Flower Box v1.0
//    By Mini Gru

//    Write your message with flowers.
//  Set your text in "textToWrite" var and pick up a color for each character.
//  Advance Config: Text size, text spacing, text area and number of cols and rows.

//  Characters suported: 
//  A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
//  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
//    " ", ".", ",", ?, !, -, + 

//    Characters in pogress: 
//  Ñ, Ç
//  < , >, ;, :, =, /, *, _, ', "(", ")"


var textToWrite = "MESSAGE   FLOWER BOX      V1.0"; // Text to write with flowers.
var charColors = ["pink", "blue", "random", "purple", "red"]; // Flowers Colors. Can be only one color or you can define a loop of colors. Colors: "random", "pink", "red", "blue", "purple", "yellow", or "white".


// Text Size. Character width is calculated ([textSize] * [charWidthRatio]).
var textSize = 8; // Default: 8.
var charWidthRatio = 0.65; // Default: 0.65.
// Text Area. Calc the text area with coords corners "A" and "B"
var cornerA = {"x": 153, "y": 123}; // Default for Flower Grove Level: {"x": 153, "y": 123}.
var cornerB = {"x": 16, "y": 23}; // Default for Flower Grove Level: {"x": 16, "y": 23}.
// Number of Cols and Rows 
var displayCols = 10; // Default: 10.
var displayRows = 3; // Default: 3.
// Character Spacing
var hSpacing = 0; // Default: 0.
var vSpacing = 5; // Default: 5.


// drawCharacter function: Writes the [character] at given [X] and [Y] coords whith "n" size (height)
this.drawCharacter = function(character, x, y, size, color){
    var vSize = size;
    var hSize = size * charWidthRatio;
    var vHalfSize = vSize / 2;
    var hHalfSize = hSize / 2;
    var vQuarterSize = vSize / 4;
    var hQuarterSize = hSize / 4;
    var angle = 0;
    // "A" character
    if(character == "A"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - (hHalfSize), y - (vHalfSize/2));
        this.moveXY(x + (hHalfSize), y - (vHalfSize/2)); 
    // "B" character
    else if(character == "B"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y + vHalfSize);
        angle = Math.PI / 2;
        while (angle >= -(Math.PI/2)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize/2) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = (y + (vHalfSize/2)) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y);
        this.moveXY(x, y);
        angle = Math.PI / 2;
        while (angle >= -(Math.PI/2)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = (y - (vHalfSize/2))  + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
    // "C" character
    else if(character == "C"){
        angle = Math.PI / 4;
        this.moveXY(x + ((hHalfSize/2) * Math.cos(angle)), (y + (vHalfSize/2)) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle)));
        while (angle <= ((3 * Math.PI)/2) + (Math.PI/4) ){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + ((vHalfSize) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle += 0.1;
    // "D" character
    else if(character == "D"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y + vHalfSize);
        angle = Math.PI / 2;
        while (angle >= -(Math.PI/2)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + ((vHalfSize) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
    // "E" character
    else if(character == "E"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y);
        this.moveXY(x, y);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
    // "F" character
    else if(character == "F"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y);
        this.moveXY(x, y);
    // "G" character
    else if(character == "G"){
        angle = Math.PI / 2;
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y + vHalfSize);
        while (angle <= 3 * Math.PI / 2){
            var newX = x + (hHalfSize * Math.cos(angle));
            var newY = y + (vHalfSize * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle += 0.2;
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y);
        this.moveXY(x, y); 
    // "H" character
    else if(character == "H"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
    // "I" character
    else if(character == "I"){
        this.moveXY(x - hQuarterSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hQuarterSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hQuarterSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hQuarterSize, y + vHalfSize);
    // "J" character
    else if(character == "J"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y);
        angle = Math.PI;
        this.moveXY(x + (hHalfSize * Math.cos(angle)), y + (vHalfSize * Math.sin(angle)));
        while (angle <= 2 * Math.PI ){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + ((vHalfSize) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle += 0.1;
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
    // "K" character
    else if(character == "K"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
    // "L" character
    else if(character == "L"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
    // "M" character
    else if(character == "M"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
    // "N" character
    else if(character == "N"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
    // "O" character
    else if(character == "O"){
        angle = 0;
        this.moveXY(x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle)), y + ((vHalfSize) * Math.sin(angle)));
        while (angle <= (2 * Math.PI)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + ((vHalfSize) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle += 0.1;
    // "P" character
    else if(character == "P"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y + vHalfSize);
        angle = Math.PI / 2;
        while (angle >= -(Math.PI/2)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + (vHalfSize/2) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y);
    // "Q" character
    else if(character == "Q"){
        angle = 0;
        this.moveXY(x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle)), y + ((vHalfSize) * Math.sin(angle)));
        while (angle <= (2 * Math.PI)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + ((vHalfSize) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle += 0.1;
        this.moveXY(x + hQuarterSize, y - vQuarterSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
    // "R" character
    else if(character == "R"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y + vHalfSize);
        angle = Math.PI / 2;
        while (angle >= -(Math.PI/2)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + (vHalfSize/2) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y);
        this.moveXY(x, y);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
    // "S" character
    else if(character == "S"){
        angle = 0;
        this.moveXY(x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle)), y + (vHalfSize/2) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle)));
        while (angle <= (3 * Math.PI)/2){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + (vHalfSize/2) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle += 0.1;
        angle = Math.PI / 2;
        while (angle >= -(Math.PI)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y - (vHalfSize/2) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
    // "T" character
    else if(character == "T"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y - vHalfSize);
    // "U" character
    else if(character == "U"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - (vHalfSize/2));
        angle = Math.PI;
        while (angle <= 2 * Math.PI){
            newX = x + (hHalfSize * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = (y - (vHalfSize/2)) + (vHalfSize/2 * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle += 0.2;
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize , y + vHalfSize);
    // "V" character
    else if(character == "V"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
    // "W" character
    else if(character == "W"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hQuarterSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y);
        this.moveXY(x + hQuarterSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
    // "X" character
    else if(character == "X"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
    // "Y" character
    else if(character == "Y"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y);
        this.moveXY(x, y - vHalfSize);
    // "Z" character
    else if(character == "Z"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
    // "1" character
    else if(character == "1"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y);
        this.moveXY(x, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y - vHalfSize);
    // "2" character
    else if(character == "2"){
        angle = Math.PI;
        this.moveXY(x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle)), y + (vHalfSize/2) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle)));
        while (angle >= 0){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + (vHalfSize/2) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vHalfSize);
    // "3" character
    else if(character == "3"){
        angle = Math.PI;
        this.moveXY(x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle)), y + (vHalfSize/2) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle)));
        while (angle >= -(Math.PI/2)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + (vHalfSize/2) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
        angle = Math.PI/2;
        while (angle >= -(Math.PI)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y - (vHalfSize/2) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
    // "4" character
    else if(character == "4"){
        this.moveXY(x + hQuarterSize, y - vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hQuarterSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vQuarterSize/2);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vQuarterSize/2);
    // "5" character
    else if(character == "5"){
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + (vQuarterSize/2));
        this.moveXY(x, y + (vQuarterSize/2));
        angle = Math.PI / 2;
        while (angle >= -(Math.PI)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y - (vQuarterSize - (vQuarterSize/4)) + ((vQuarterSize + (vQuarterSize/4)) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
    // "6" character
    else if(character == "6"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y - vQuarterSize);
        angle = Math.PI;
        while (angle >= -(Math.PI)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y - (vHalfSize/2) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vQuarterSize);
        angle = Math.PI;
        while (angle >= 0){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + (vHalfSize/2) + ((vHalfSize/2) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
    // "7" character
    else if(character == "7"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y - vHalfSize);
    // "8" character
    else if(character == "8"){
        angle = -(Math.PI/2);
        this.moveXY(x, y);
        while (angle <= (3*Math.PI)/2){
            newX = x + ((hQuarterSize + hQuarterSize/2) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + (vQuarterSize) + ((vQuarterSize) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle += 0.1;
        angle = Math.PI/2;
        while (angle <= (2*Math.PI)+(Math.PI/2)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y - (vQuarterSize) + ((vQuarterSize) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle += 0.1;
    // "9" character
    else if(character == "9"){
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y + vQuarterSize);
        angle = 0;
        while (angle <= 2*Math.PI){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + (vQuarterSize) + ((vQuarterSize) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle += 0.1;
        this.moveXY(x + hHalfSize, y - vQuarterSize);
        angle = 0;
        while (angle >= -(Math.PI)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y - (vQuarterSize) + ((vQuarterSize) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
    // "0" character
    else if(character == "0"){
        angle = 0;
        this.moveXY(x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle)), y + ((vHalfSize) * Math.sin(angle)));
        while (angle <= (2 * Math.PI)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + ((vHalfSize) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle += 0.1;
        angle = (Math.PI/4);
        this.moveXY(x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle)), y + ((vHalfSize) * Math.sin(angle)));
        angle = (Math.PI/4)+(Math.PI);
        this.moveXY(x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle)), y + ((vHalfSize) * Math.sin(angle)));
    // "+" character
    else if(character == "+"){
        this.moveXY(x - vQuarterSize, y);
        this.moveXY(x + vQuarterSize, y);
        this.moveXY(x, y + vQuarterSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y - vQuarterSize);
    // "-" character
    else if(character == "-"){
        this.moveXY(x - vQuarterSize, y);
        this.moveXY(x + vQuarterSize, y);
    // "?" character
    else if(character == "?"){
        this.moveXY(x - hHalfSize, y + vQuarterSize);
        angle = Math.PI;
        while(angle >= -(Math.PI/2)){
            newX = x + ((hHalfSize) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y + (vQuarterSize) + ((vQuarterSize) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
        this.moveXY(x, y - vQuarterSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y - (vQuarterSize + vQuarterSize/2));
        this.moveXY(x, y - vHalfSize);
    // "!" character
    else if(character == "!"){
        this.moveXY(x, y + vHalfSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y - vQuarterSize);
        this.moveXY(x, y - (vQuarterSize + vQuarterSize/2));
        this.moveXY(x, y - vHalfSize);
    // "." character
    else if(character == "."){
        this.moveXY(x, y - vHalfSize);
        angle = -(Math.PI/2);
        while(angle <= (3*Math.PI/2)){
            newX = x + ((vQuarterSize/4) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y - (vHalfSize - vQuarterSize/4) + ((vQuarterSize/4) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle += 0.1;
    // "," character
    else if(character == ","){
        angle = Math.PI/2;
        this.moveXY(x, y - (vQuarterSize + vQuarterSize/4))
        while(angle <= (2*Math.PI) + (Math.PI/2)){
            newX = x + ((vQuarterSize/4) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y - (vQuarterSize + vQuarterSize/4) + ((vQuarterSize/4) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle += 0.1;
        angle = Math.PI/2;
        while(angle >= -(Math.PI/2)){
            newX = x + ((vQuarterSize/4) * Math.cos(angle));
            newY = y - (vQuarterSize + vQuarterSize/2) + ((vQuarterSize/2) * Math.sin(angle));
            this.moveXY(newX, newY);
            angle -= 0.1;
    else {
        this.say("ERROR, I CAN'T WRITE THAT CHARACTER!");

// printText function: Splits the text into an array, and prints each character.
this.printText = function(text){
    var splTxt = text.split("");
    for(var i=0;i<splTxt.length;i++){
        var charToDraw = splTxt[i];
        // If character position x it's greater than the space calculated, go to the next row and set initial position for x.
        if(charPosX > ((firstCharPosX) + (textSize*(displayCols-1)))){
            charPosY -= (textSize + vSpacing);
            charPosX = firstCharPosX;
        // If it is a space " ", increment char x position and continue.
        if(charToDraw == " "){
            charPosX += textSize;
        } else {
            // drawCharacter Function, givin the character to draw, the XY postion, and text size.
            var charColor = charColors[i % charColors.length];
            this.drawCharacter(charToDraw, charPosX, charPosY,  textSize, charColor);
        charPosX += textSize;
    this.moveXY(charPosX, charPosY);

// Text Area Definition //

if(cornerA.x > cornerB.x){
    var maxWidth = cornerA.x - cornerB.x;
} else {
    maxWidth = cornerB.x - cornerA.x;
if(cornerA.y > cornerB.y){
    var maxHeight = cornerA.y - cornerB.y;
} else {
    maxHeight = cornerB.y - cornerA.y;

var widthNeeded = (textSize*displayCols)+(hSpacing*(displayCols-1));
var heightNeeded = (textSize*displayRows)+(vSpacing*(displayRows-1));

var errorMsg = [];
var charError = false;
var sizeError = false;
var colorError = false;
var validated = false;
var charList = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", " ", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "+", "-", "?", "!", ".", ","];
var colorList = ["random", "pink", "red", "blue", "purple", "yellow", "white"]
var splitText = textToWrite.split("");

// Character verification
for(var k=0;k<splitText.length;k++){
    if(charList.indexOf(splitText[k]) == -1){
        errorMsg.push("ERROR, I can't write the character: " + splitText[k]);
        charError = true;
// Color verification
for(var c=0;c<charColors.length;c++){
    if(colorList.indexOf(charColors[c]) == -1){
        errorMsg.push("ERROR, color " + charColors[c] + " dosn't exist. Pick up another color.");
        colorError = true;
// Width and Height verification
if(widthNeeded > maxWidth){
    errorMsg.push("ERROR, the calculated width needed is greater than text area. Change the text size or total cols.");
    sizeError = true;
if(heightNeeded > maxHeight){
    errorMsg.push("ERROR, the calculated height needed is greater than text area. Change the text size or total rows.");
    sizeError = true;
// Validate if there is no error
if(!charError && !sizeError && !colorError){
    validated = true;
    var centerDisplayX = cornerB.x + (maxWidth/2);
    var centerDisplayY = cornerB.y + (maxHeight/2);

    var firstCharPosX = centerDisplayX - ((widthNeeded/2)-((textSize * charWidthRatio ) /2));
    var firstCharPosY = centerDisplayY + ((heightNeeded/2) - (textSize/2));

    var charPosX = firstCharPosX;
    var charPosY = firstCharPosY;

// If text is validated, print text.
} else {
    this.say("We've got problems, my lord:");
    for(var m=0;m<errorMsg.length;m++){
this.say("Finish, my lord.");

The code is quite simple, but long as the character drawing function is very long.

Quick Installation:
1.- Copy the code.
2.- Past it in Mountain Flower Grove level.
3.- Write your text in the basic configuration.
4.- Choose the text color.
5.- Run the code!

In “ADV CONFIGURATION” you can modify the text size, height/width proportion, text spacing, text area and number of cols and rows.

The code checks the data entered in “ADV CONFIGURATION” and returns the errors if any.

Supported characters:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
" ", “.”, ?, !, -, +

Character in progress:
Ñ, Ç
< , >, ;, :, =, /, *, _, ', “(”, “)”

To-Do List:
* Option to color each character from an array, givin a sequence of colors.

  • Add new characters (in progress)
  • An option to put all the text in a flower box
  • Clean the code (like always…)

Any idea, correction and/or contribution is appreciated.

See you around!

ChangeLog v1.0

*First completed version.
*Option to color each character from an array, givin a sequence of colors.
*Added numbers and some symbols: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 , “.”, “,”, ?, !, -, +

ChangeLog v0.3

*First public realease.
*Supported characters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, " ".
*Text area definition.
*Text size and text spacing options.

More screenshots

1# UPTADE (24 Dec 2015): New version of code. See changelog.


Wow awesome! This is great!


Thanx @Wiilli! ^^

New UPDATE: New version of code:

  • Added numbers and some symbols
  • Option to color each character

Merry Christmas!


Wow, this is pretty amazing! Nice!

Anything we can do to make the flower-drawing mechanic work better and let you do other things that ended up being frustrating to do while you were working on this?


Nice idea! But why not store the letters as vectors? For example:

A = [ (0, 0, False), (0.5, 1, True), (1, 0, True), (0, 0.25, False), (1, 0.25, True) ]

Obviously, the arcs would need to be substituted by shorter straights, or managed some other way, but that would make the code much shorter and easier to add new letters/symbols.

I’ll probably try to make it myself :wink:


Great idea! I only made 4 letters, plus a heart, but I had the same thought. I made my functions so you could set size and x,y center for each character. My heart function is as follows:

this.drawHeart = function(x,y,size) {
    var angle = 0;
    while (angle <= Math.PI * 1) {
        var newX = x + size + (size * Math.cos(angle));
        var newY = y + size + (size * Math.sin(angle));
        this.moveXY(newX, newY);
        angle += 0.2;
    angle = 0;
    while (angle <= Math.PI * 1) {
        newX = x - size + (size * Math.cos(angle));
        newY = y + size + (size * Math.sin(angle));
        this.moveXY(newX, newY);
        angle += 0.2;
    this.moveXY(x, y - size * 2);
    this.moveXY(x + size*2, y + size + (size * Math.sin(angle)));

And the final result was to show my wife:


In the spirit of “release early, release often”, here is my go at the same thing in python, with a “vectorized” fontset. Thanks @MiniGru for the inspiration! :smile:

I used the forest flower grove level to test

Message Flower Box redux in python
text = "five wixen"

# options: "random" (default), "pink", "red", "blue", "purple", "yellow" or "white"

# settings
start = Vector(10, 90)
fontHeight  = 20
fontWidth   = fontHeight * 1/2
fontSpacing = fontWidth  * 1/4
lineSpacing = fontHeight * 1/5

# vector fontset - INCOMPLETE
fontSet = {
    # font format:
    # "letter": [ (nextPosX, nextPosY, draw), ... ]
    # note: 'draw' is optional, if it's not defined, the last value is used (= unchanged)
    "A": [ (0, 0, 0), (1/2, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1), (5/6, 1/3, 0), (1/6, 1/3, 1) ],
    "B": [ (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (3/4, 1, 1), (1, 5/6, 1), (1, 4/6, 1),  (5/6, 1/2, 1), (0, 1/2, 1), (5/6, 1/2, 0), (1, 2/6, 1), (1, 1/6, 1), (5/6, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1) ],
#   'lazy' format example:
#    "B": [(0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (3/4, 1), (1, 5/6), (1, 4/6), (5/6, 1/2), (0, 1/2), (5/6, 1/2, 0), (1, 2/6, 1), (1, 1/6), (5/6, 0), (0, 0)],
#    "C": [ (, , ) ],
#    "D": [ (, , ) ],
    "E": [ (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (0, 1/2, 0), (3/4, 1/2, 1) ],
    "F": [ (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (0, 1/2, 0), (3/4, 1/2, 1) ],
#    "G": [ (, , ) ],
    "H": [ (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (0, 1/2, 0), (1, 1/2, 1), (1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1) ],
    "I": [ (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1) ],
#    "J": [ (, , ) ],
    "K": [ (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (0, 1/2, 0), (1, 1, 1), (0, 1/2, 0), (1, 0, 1) ],
    "L": [ (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1) ],
    "M": [ (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1/2, 1/2, 1), (1, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1)],
    "N": [ (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1) ],
#    "O": [ (, , ) ],
#    "P": [ (, , ) ],
#    "Q": [ (, , ) ],
#    "R": [ (, , ) ],
#    "S": [ (, , ) ],
    "T": [ (0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1), (1/2, 1, 0), (1/2, 0, 1) ],
#    "U": [ (, , ) ],
    "V": [ (0, 1, 0), (1/2, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0) ],
    "W": [ (0, 1, 0), (1/3, 0, 1), (2/3, 1/2, 1), (1, 0, 1), (4/3, 1, 1) ],
    "X": [ (0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1) ],
    "Y": [ (0, 1, 0), (1/2, 1/2, 1), (1, 1, 1), (1/2, 1/2, 0), (1/2, 0, 1) ],
    "Z": [ (0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1) ],
    " ": [ (1, 0, 0) ]

# make text uppercase
text = text.toUpperCase()              # workaround for 'text.upper()'

self.toggleFlowers(False)              # turn off flowers at start

# draw a letter
def writeLetter(char):
    if char not in fontSet:
        self.say("Letter " + char + " is not defined!")
    corner = Vector(self.pos.x, baseLine)
    maxWidth = 0
    for point in fontSet[char]:
#        # turn flowers on/off
#        self.toggleFlowers(point[2])
        if len(point) > 2:
            if point[2]:    # == 1
            else:           # == 0
        # draw next segment
        self.moveXY(corner.x + point[0] * fontWidth, corner.y + point[1] * fontHeight)
        # proportional font support
        if point[0] > maxWidth:
            maxWidth = point[0]
    self.moveXY(corner.x + maxWidth * fontWidth + fontSpacing, corner.y)

#### main() ####
self.say("I will write: " + text)

self.moveXY(start.x, start.y)          # move to starting position
baseLine = start.y

for i in range(len(text)):


  • copy and paste into a flower grove level
  • update the text to write
  • update settings (optional)
  • run the code

Supported characters:

  • A-Z, with most rounded characters missing (C, S, O, etc.)
  • “B” is defined using lines instead of arcs, as a test


  • simple arc drawing (using vectors?)
  • multiline support
  • code cleanup

where is the code?

Please don’t revive “dead” topics. Also we don’t give working code out here.

milton.jinich, any user can revive “dead” topics as long as they are still related to the topic.

cucumber_2020_n, try the level out first! If you don’t succed, as for help here!

i already completed it