My clan is now open to the public (about the clans message) putting love first in all things

Hello all my possible victi… I mean cult mem… no that’s not right Clan members that’s it

All joking aside I have been on this platform for 8 years and just created an forums account now my code combat name is @JediLogan

Screenshot 2024-10-10 7.42.13 PM

But that’s not why I’m making this post I’m making this post because I would like to invite all of you future victims I I mean test subjects… oops my tongue slipped I meant “members”

to join my new and far superior cult I mean clan
The Binary Paper Brigade

We together will rebuild the art of binary trees with one’s and zero’s for future generations to further desecrate or enjoy we cant tell them what to do XD
but my motives are pure and definitely not satanic in any way shape or form
(however their is my personal shoulder demon named Bob you will have to interact with occasionally)

but seriously I’m a huge fan of this community and how far we have come all the highs and lows we help each and every one of you out whether your in the clan or not we don’t let out far superior clan get the better of us (I’m joking all clans are equally amazing) so come and join us in this wonderful community that strives to put love first in all things no matter what not heated debates about politics no shaming of LGBTQ+ and no hatred towards anyone no matter the circumstances.

I will soon be making a rules board and the punishments for breaking the rules

i will also begin creating a Google doc with every member their join date and clan badges (I will make imaginary badges and roles for the clan)

so join me in making the world a better place by spreading the love to all :slight_smile:

-sincerely Paper’s team


Oh and one last thing I know this may seem like bribing but I assure you it is not

the first 4 people to join this wonderful clan that strives to put love first in all things will become co-founders and receive a badge I would like to create soon named “the incredible 5” (the incredible 5 because I’m a member technically)
and the first one to join will receive a bage I will create named “the first to spread love”

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quick update my name is no longer JediLogan it is now @Paper official

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I want it too, but when I join a team, the code for all the arenas I have played will be re-released(mandatory), which is very troublesome, so I can’t join teams(some of arenas code I had changed before, and they are not as strong as me originally uploaded)

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stop making new topics please :heart: