I need some help, the problem is, I am able to get to where it is 104 coins, then he collects one coin, but that makes it less than 104, so he says “Non Satis” then just stays there until it runs out of time. Here is my code.
# You need exactly 104 gold.
less = "Nimis"
more = "Non satis"
requiredGold = 104
# This function calculates the sum of all coin values.
def sumCoinValues(coins):
coinIndex = 0
totalValue = 0
# Iterate all coins.
while coinIndex < len(coins):
totalValue += coins[coinIndex].value
coinIndex += 1
return totalValue
def collectAllCoins():
item = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())
while item:
hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)
item = hero.findNearest(hero.findItems())
while True:
items = hero.findItems()
# Get the total value of coins.
goldAmount = sumCoinValues(items)
# If there are coins, then goldAmount isn't zero.
if goldAmount != 0:
# If goldAmount is less than requiredGold
if goldAmount < requiredGold:
# Then say "Non satis".
hero.say("Non satis")
# If goldAmount is greater than requiredGold
if goldAmount > requiredGold:
# Then say "Nimis".
# If goldAmount is exactly equal to requiredGold
if goldAmount == requiredGold:
item = hero.findNearestItem()
hero.moveXY(item.pos.x, item.pos.y)
Have any suggestions?