Nitro type chat

ohhh, lol, lets do that again then

I think I’ve been playing it to much today lol, I just got 57wpm which is quite low for me

Let’s do another one :laughing:

Okie dokie (20chars)

Ima head off for today, well done tho :+1:

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okay bye

you too

annoying 20 chars

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Can you accept me onto the team please?

Approved. (:

Application sent Anonym

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applied nymmy!


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I use nitros for the last word or if there’s a period at the end (I hate typing periods…)

I try not to use nitros because it doesn’t help my accuracy in the long run, but is teaching me bad habits by skipping hard words.

anybody wanna race? just started today and my hands are shaking

im free now, send link if you want @CrunchyCode

im kinda new to this how do i do it?

crunchymustard is my name in there

alright, i will send a friend request, then you click on friends tab, and you can accept it

alright now what? (charsss)

i sent an invitation for a race

Holy cheese and crackers 82 wpm?!?!

i gotta go now, good race tho