Nitro type chat

Please since your officer will you please invite good players to join?

this is my school computer in Bentonville schools so i don’t think you will get the email and the padlet is always blocked

You might be able to make a website like this though That might work. I talk with other nitro type people and its not blocked

Or we can stay on here and do it. ITs not to hard

There but why? does it matter how much cash i have?

Oh wow nice!! Did you buy cash?? I did the other day i go 24 mill

Did you get my email?

or can we just talk on this
You there? Lol, can i have some cash like 4 mill so that would leave you with 30 mill>Lol>

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Sure i will play NT with you. If you join my team?

What’s the team?

Team SPCE is the name of the team. We got some good players

Can I have a link to the team? I will join it, so you can have some extra races whenever I do race.

Teams - Racing Is Better Together | Nitro Type thanks!! I will except your application

My name is Kazuha and I have nitro gold by the way.

Lol, i have a question. Can I have some cash? LOLOL

How much were you thinking? But it isn’t guaranteed.

How much do have have?

U there still?? If you send some cash like 4-5 mill I will give you the officer

Did you see the pm i sent you?