Nitro type chat

Sorry, I got invited to another one

I’ll go grinding man. You don’t come

hallo guys it starts in 4 hours for me as well

Yea, I have some school work to do

Ok, see you later man

Sorry man. Bye!

Bye see ya later my dood

He was invited to a race I hosted. The wampus typed at around 70 wpm… same as the other people. @JoPro_8000 typed at 60 wpm…

Yes, it happens to me too.But not with Wampus.

Yea, I need to sharpen my typing skills XD

When will the season start???

It has been saying 2 hours for an hour now.

It says 1 hour now.Get ready!

So close

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Yes, just a little bit.Though I think I will skip this ‘amazing moment’ during the dinner)))) :laughing:

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oh man can not waiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

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same. I am in class right now though…

oh sorry lol sorry just can not wait

Exactly the same so slow start

You guys know the feeling where like its so close to doing something and you just cant wait, that it feels like outlet as long? That’s how im feeling right now

yeah i can relate to that