Nitro type chat

He’s really easy.

He adjusts to what speed you are typing, which for me is 80-90 wpm…


Ohhh… Cool.

any one wanna trade accounts i got 99 mil

i did a cash and car glitch lol

nope, sorry. I’m just gonna stick with my lil money lol

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I never trade, so no thanks.

Are you sure you have 99 mil? If you could send me some cash that would be great :smile: if not that is also fine. I want to keep my old cars though

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i dont got nt gold any more

Its fine, whatever I dont care. It was actually just a joke XD

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Just so any new users know: You will not be able to friend me, because I turned receive friends off. This is to help people spamming me friend requests via a race



Screenshot 2021-03-24 12.09.14 PM

Screenshot 2021-03-24 12.20.08 AM

i got more then u ???
lol lmao

I should turn that on as well.


can i plz get NT money my username is CorneliusS. plz give me money on NT plzzzz

can i get some plzzz

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Just join a team that has comps and try to win them.

what are comps and do u have lots of money to
cuz i need some plz

You need not gold to give people money. If you join a team with a description that says it will give you money, then if you do enough races you will get a reward from the owner

Please do not swear. I have flagged the post for now, and we will see what happens. read the community guidelines Here for more info.

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