Post your new levels here!

Can you send the level editing link?

In my guide (20 I dunnot want to say it)

Very hard to make levels. :expressionless:
It will take me days.

It only took me about a day and a half, then another couple of days to figure out how to publish it.

Could I play your level?

Sure, if it loads and works

Could you paste it in here?

Yeah. Here:

Tell me how you like it.


Finally!:smile: :smile:

There is no error but there is this


Just reset the level. If that doesn’t work, comment out your code.

Doesn’t work :sob::sob::sob::sob:

Can’t figure out what went wrong. @Chaboi_3000, Please help.

@Chaboi_3000 Is the master at making levels.

I know. I followed his instructions for making the level.

Yo, did you put extra heroes in the game? That’ll cause the game to go bamboozles so try deleting them. :wink:


There aren’t any extra heroes. I think it’s a bug that won’t let you load the level because you deleted something and code combat says “cannot delete object null” or something

Thanks guys, I’ll check as soon as I can.

They are, if there is more than 2 heroes in the level editor, codecombat won’t know which one is the real one.