I’m having an error on line 100
If anyone fix it that would be great
# Step 3 of the Run and Dodge game tutorial.
game.spawnXY("forest", -4, 64)
game.spawnXY("forest", 4, 64)
game.spawnXY("forest", 12, 64)
game.spawnXY("forest", 20, 64)
game.spawnXY("forest", 28, 64)
game.spawnXY("forest", 36, 64)
game.spawnXY("forest", 44, 64)
game.spawnXY("forest", 52, 64)
game.spawnXY("forest", 60, 64)
game.spawnXY("forest", 68, 64)
game.spawnXY("forest", 76, 64)
game.spawnXY("forest", -4, 4)
game.spawnXY("forest", 4, 4)
game.spawnXY("forest", 12, 4)
game.spawnXY("forest", 20, 4)
game.spawnXY("forest", 28, 4)
game.spawnXY("forest", 36, 4)
game.spawnXY("forest", 44, 4)
game.spawnXY("forest", 52, 4)
game.spawnXY("forest", 60, 4)
game.spawnXY("forest", 68, 4)
game.spawnXY("forest", 76, 4)
def onUpdateStatic(event):
thing = event.target
thing.pos.x -= 0.6
if thing.pos.x < -4:
if thing.type == "forest":
thing.pos.x = 84
game.setActionFor("forest", "update", onUpdateStatic)
def spawnRandomY(type):
y = game.randomInteger(12, 56)
spawn = game.spawnXY(type, 80, y)
spawn.on("update", onUpdateStatic)
def spawnFences():
spawnNumber = 1 + (game.time / 10)
while spawnNumber >= 1:
spawnNumber -= 1
game.spawnFenceTime = 0
game.spawnGemTime = 0.5
# One more spawn timer, for ogres.
game.spawnOgreTime = 1
game.score = 0
game.topScore = db.get("topScore") or 0
ui.track(game, "time")
ui.track(game, "score")
ui.track(game, "topScore")
goal = game.addManualGoal("Survive at least 20 seconds.")
player = game.spawnPlayerXY("captain", 20, 34)
player.maxSpeed = 20
def onCollect(event):
item = event.other
if item.type == "gem":
game.score += 5
def onCollide(event):
unit = event.target
other = event.other
if other.type == "fence":
def onDefeatPlayer():
if game.time > 20:
game.setGoalState(goal, True)
game.setGoalState(goal, False)
player.on("collect", onCollect)
player.on("collide", onCollide)
player.on("defeat", onDefeatPlayer)
# This handles defeated ogres.
def onDefeatOgre(event):
unit = event.target
game.score += 10
# Defeated ogres should move to the left, just like other environmental objects.
unit.on("update", onUpdateStatic)
# This updates the positions of the ogres so they slowly catch up to the player.
def onUpdateOgre(event):
unit = event.target
# Only update position for un-defeated ogres, who have positive health.
if unit.health > 0:
# Set the unit closer to the player. We use the baseX property to track this, because the default ogre behavior might also change it's pos.x property, so we can't use that directly.
unit.baseX += 0.1
# If unit.baseX greater than 18:
if unit.baseX > 18:
# Set unit.baseX to 18:
unit.baseX = 18
# Set unit.pos.x to unit.baseX:
unit.pos.x = unit.baseX
def spawnOgre():
y = game.randomInteger(12, 56)
unit = game.spawnXY("scout", 0, y)
unit.baseX = 0
# Assign onUpdateOgre to handle the "update" event on unit:
# Assign onDefeatOgre to handle the "defeat" event on unit:
unit.on("update", onUpdateOgre)
unit.on("defeat", onDefeatOgre)
unit.behavior = "AttacksNearest"
def checkPlayer():
if game.time == 20:
player.say("Win! Bonus time!")
player.pos.x = 20
def setTopScore():
topScore = db.get("topScore") or 0
if game.score > game.topScore:
db.set("topScore", game.score)
def checkSpawns():
if game.time > game.spawnFenceTime:
game.spawnFenceTime += 1
if game.time > game.spawnGemTime:
game.spawnGemTime += 1
if game.time > game.spawnOgreTime:
game.spawnOgreTime += 2
def onUpdateGame(event):
game.score += event.deltaTime
game.on("update", onUpdateGame)