I have a very basic question:
Is there any difference between self.distanceTo(enemy) and self.distanceTo(enemy.pos) ?
I have a very basic question:
Is there any difference between self.distanceTo(enemy) and self.distanceTo(enemy.pos) ?
I think (I’ve been saying that a lot today) that “distanceTo” is built to look for the “.pos” of the item passed to it. So, the magic gnomes see “self.distanceTo(enemy.pos)” as the distance to “enemy.pos.pos” which doesn’t make any sense to them.
Actually, it should be the same. distanceTo
will look for a Vector (which is what enemy.pos
is), but if you don’t give it a Vector, it’ll see if the thing you gave it has a pos
Vector in it and then use that. Are you seeing any differences between distanceTo(enemy)
and distanceTo(enemy.pos)
Just for kicks, here’s the code that does this:
Vector = require 'lib/world/vector'
Rectangle = require 'lib/world/rectangle'
Ellipse = require 'lib/world/ellipse'
{ArgumentError} = require 'lib/world/errors'
class Physical extends Component
@className: 'Physical'
hasRotated: false
constructor: (config) ->
super config
@depth ||= @_calculateDepth()
@pos = new Vector(@pos?.x or 0, @pos?.y or 0, @pos?.z or @depth / 2) unless @pos?.isVector
@volume = @_calculateVolume()
@dragArea = @_calculateDragArea()
attach: (thang) ->
super thang
thang.addTrackedProperties ['rotation', 'number']
rectangle: ->
new Rectangle @pos.x, @pos.y, @width, @height, @rotation
ellipse: ->
new Ellipse @pos.x, @pos.y, @width, @height, @rotation
getShape: ->
if @shape is 'ellipsoid' or @shape is 'disc' then @ellipse() else @rectangle()
isGrounded: ->
@pos.z <= @depth / 2
isAirborne: ->
@pos.z > @depth / 2
contains: (thang) ->
# Determines whether thang's center is within our bounds.
@getShape().containsPoint thang.pos
distance: (thang, fromEdges=false) ->
unless thang and (thang.isVector or thang.isThang or (not _.isNaN (thang.x + thang.y)))
console.log 'distance from', @id, 'to', thang?.id, 'did not work: isVector', thang?.isVector, 'isThang', thang?.isThang, 'x', thang?.x, 'y', thang?.y, 'keys', _.keys thang
throw new ArgumentError "Find the distance to a target unit.", "distance", "target", "object", thang
# Determines the distance between the closest edges of @ and thang (0 if touching), or just centers if fromEdges is false.
Math.sqrt @distanceSquared thang, fromEdges
distanceSquared: (thang, fromEdges=false) ->
if fromEdges
shape = @getShape()
return shape.distanceSquaredToPoint thang unless thang.pos
otherShape = thang.getShape()
return shape.distanceSquaredToShape otherShape
return @pos.distanceSquared thang.pos if thang.pos
return @pos.distanceSquared thang # a Vector
# Alias distance as distanceTo, since it's more obvious at first that it's a method, for use in user-facing code.
distanceTo: (thang) ->
if thang and _.isString thang
thang = @world.getThangByID thang
else if thang and not thang.isThang and _.isString(thang.id) and targetThang = @world.getThangByID thang.id
# Temporary workaround for Python API protection bug that makes them not Thangs
thang = targetThang
unless thang and (thang.isVector or thang.isThang or (not _.isNaN (thang.x + thang.y)))
throw new ArgumentError "Find the distance to a target unit.", "distanceTo", "target", "object", thang
@distance thang
distanceToValidateReturn: (ret) ->
unless _.isNumber ret
throw new ArgumentError '', "distanceTo", "return", "number", ret
intersects: (thang, t1=null) ->
t1 ?= @
t2 = thang
return true if t1.contains t2
s1 = t1.getShape?() ? t1 # pass Thangs or Shapes
s2 = t2.getShape?() ? s2 # pass Thangs or Shapes
s1.intersectsShape s2
_calculateDepth: ->
switch @shape
when "box", "ellipsoid" then @height # as deep as tall if unspecified
when "sheet", "disc" then @height / 20
_calculateVolume: ->
switch @shape
when "box", "sheet" then @width * @height * @depth
when "ellipsoid", "disc" then 4 / 3 * Math.PI * @width * @height * @depth
_calculateDragArea: ->
# Assume it's facing to the right/left (height * depth face).
# For a missile, we'd calculate just based on the head (height) sphere/cube, so it
# can be an ellipsoid or box as long as the height dimension is the head diameter.
switch @shape
when "box", "sheet" then @height * @depth
when "ellipsoid", "disc" then Math.PI / 4 * @height * @depth
And there’s also some here: https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/blob/master/app/lib/world/vector.coffee#L43
Thanks for answers,
I didn’t see any differences, in fact I was mainly interested to better understand the coding structure.
Looking at nick’s reply I am still a long way to master python…