This is my first post to this forum. My apologies if not using it in the right way. I have been using code combat to learn python. So far has been great fun and a good learning experience. Kudos to all of those involved in creating it.
On the skeleton puzzle level, I was interested in how to solve using some type of path finding algorithm. After researching a couple of sites and using some of the examples, the following code works well in IDLE. But triggers ‘infinite loop’ error in code combat. Please help.
I am swapping between “print” and “hero.say” as output options. I know heapq doesn’t work in code combat. It does speed things up considerably in Idle.
The version below runs and solves the puzzle in IDLE.
For starting puzzle: [[4, 7, 3], [2, 1, 6], [0, 5, 8]]
Solution path as str: 5174271571421458
(I am a subscriber)
code to solve Code Combat Skeleton Puzzle
(Solution removed)