[Solved] In my name hero dosen't do anything

def  letterIndex ( word , letter ):
    # Step through each letter as an index of the given word
    for index in  range ( 0 , len (word), 1 ):
        # Compare the letter in the word with the given letter
        if (word [index] == letter):
            # If it's required letter then return the current index
            return index
    # If nothing, return a default value
    return  0

ogreLetter =  " z "
shaman = hero.findByType ( " thoktar " ) [ 0 ]

# Find the index and use it for finding the treasure.
chestIndex = letterIndex (shaman.id, "z" )
hero.moveXY ( 16  + chestIndex *  8 , 36 )

why does it not work?

delete all the spaces and it’ll work

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Thank you! U da best!