[SOLVED] Operation "killdeer" help!

while True:

Move to the X only if shouldRun() returns True

if shouldRun() return true:
hero.moveXY(75, 37)

Else, attack!

the if shouldRun statement is saying that it needs another colon at the end but I did that then it says it still needs another one. please help!!!

Could you format your code property using the button </> so we ca help you?

def shouldRun():
if hero.health < hero.maxHealth / 2:
return True
return False

while True:
# Move to the X only if shouldRun() returns True
if shouldRun() return true:
hero.moveXY(75, 37)
# Else, attack!

this is my code and it keeps saying that it needs an extra colon after
if shouldRun() return true:
and I can’t figure it out. Can you please help?

After this, put

enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()

I put the code there and it is still saying that it needs an extra colon after
if shouldRun() return true:

Instead of this, try to write something like this:

run = shouldRun()
if run:
    #here put the moveXY command

thanks for the solution it worked

No problem! :wink: :slight_smile: