[SOLVED] Steel claw gap help pls python

code and error

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Could you give the full code?

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please give us the full code as @Lydia_Song has said(not in a screenshot please) and what line is the error in?

# This level introduces the % operator, also known as the modulo operator.
# a % b returns the remainder of a divided by b
# This can be used to wrap around to the beginning of an array when an index might be greater than the length

defendPoints = [{"x": 35, "y": 63},{"x": 61, "y": 63},{"x": 32, "y": 26},{"x": 64, "y": 26}]

summonTypes = ["soldier","soldier","soldier","soldier","archer","archer","archer","archer"]

# You start with 360 gold to build a mixture of soldiers and archers.
# self.built is an array of the troops you have built, ever.
# Here we use "len(self.built) % len(summonTypes)" to wrap around the summonTypes array
def summonTroops():
    type = summonTypes[len(hero.built) % len(summonTypes)]
    if hero.gold >= hero.costOf(type):

def commandTroops():
    friends = hero.findFriends()
    for i in range(len(friends)):
        friend = friends[i]
        # Use % to wrap around defendPoints based on friendIndex
        defendPoints = summonTypes % 4
        # Command your minion to defend the defendPoint
        for defendPoint in defendPoints:
            hero.command(friend, "defend", defendPoint)

while True:

Try changing this to this:

       defendPoint = defendPoints[i%len(defendPoints)]
        # Command your minion to defend the defendPoint
        hero.command(friend, "defend", defendPoint)


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