[SOLVED] Yak rampage not working

Yes I did this level already.

isnt this the level where you get the limited time armor?

while True:
    flag = hero.findFlag("green")
    if flag == hero.findFlag("green"):

No dont think so… maybe.

could I just use the jumpy boots to get away from the yaks?

Never mind. didn’t get it, but I can skip this level. Thank you!

I cannot get anwsers off the Internet.

you should do it @Pameleen it is good armor and you get 500 gems and XP points so you should do it

Your code is fine now you just need to place the flags

you can’t get answers off the internet because it is a very new level


try doing the level it takes some time and patience but you will do it

does not work. The duck says flag is not define

Your if flag part is wrong delete the part after flag

He follows the flag, but is being killed by the yaks. Do you just have to be good at games like that?

My guy is really slow but alot of health what should I do?

who are you using okar if you are using a slow hero buy ring of speed or use a faster hero

I am using gordon. the guy who has alot of health

will Naria of the Leaf work?

Any hero will work, I recommend Zana.