Some problems of level thunderhooves

My english is not good!= =|||

//About Array custom function In JS.
Array.prototype.contains = function ( needle ) {
   for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
       if (this[i] == needle) return true;
   return false;
// demo
var arr = [1, 2];
//arr.contains undefined

//2. JS中print object的问题
//print object in JS
var print = function(o, deep, cur_deep){
    if(!arguments[1]) deep = 9;
    if(!arguments[2]) cur_deep = 0;

    var comma = ',';
    var newline = '\r\n';
    var str='';
    var is_array = function(o) { return === '[object Array]'; };
    var len = function(o){
            return o.length
        }else if(o.hasOwnProperty('__count__')){
            return o.__count__;
            var count = 0;
            for (var i in o) 
                count ++;
            return count;
    var t = typeof o;
    if(t == 'string'){
        str += o;
    }else if(t == 'object'){
        if(cur_deep < deep)
            var bArr = is_array(o);
            str += bArr ? '[' : '{';
            //if(!bArr){  str += newline; }
            var count = len(o);
            var i = 0;
            for(var p in o){
                if(!bArr){   str += p + ': '; }
                //str += print(bArr ? p : o[p], deep, cur_deep);  //This line of mistake, I fixed
                str += print(o[p], deep, cur_deep);
                if(i++ != count - 1){ 
                    str += comma; 
                    //if(!bArr){  str += newline; }
            //if(!bArr){  str += newline; }
            str += bArr ? ']' : '}';
            str+= '<object>';
    }else /*if(t == 'function' || t == 'number')*/{
        str += o.toString();
    return str;
this.print = function(o, deep, cur_deep){ this.say(print(o, deep, cur_deep)); };
// 1>this.say内容过长,只能显示...
// the content of the "this.say" function is too long, can only display"..."
// 2> this.say中怎么换行,用\r\n还是<br/>,没效果
// how to use newline in say; "\r\n" or <br/>,no effect

//3. JS中foreach问题
// About foreach in JS
var enemies = this.findEnemies();
// error code
for(var e in enemies)   // foreach
// correct code
for(var i = 0; i < enemies.length; ++i)

Prototype stuff may not work properly yet; see this issue.

this.say can’t say very much, it’s true. We have a hover debugger for this sort of thing, where you can see any variable’s value by hovering over it, but it is disabled right now because of some bugs with it. Sorry!

for(var e in enemies)  // This iterates over keys, not values.
    //this.print(e);  // Keys: 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
    this.print(enemies[e]);  // Values
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Question 1: I will not go to use the prototype
Question 2: I can only wait for hover debugger work, can provide a temporary solution, not such as “console.log”?
我只能等待hover debugger修好,能提供个临时解决方案不,比如 “console.log”?
Question 3: Oh! I’ve got the wrong syntax, thank you
Thank you for your answer, this game is very interesting

对不起,console.log 也有问题,因为消息不能顺利地从 web worker 透到 main thread,所以我们现在不提供 console.log。

关于 Thunderhooves, 你想要知道哪个 properties?


Not about Thunderhooves, sometimes want to query the monster or heroes have what function and attributes, can only go to the eidtor mode to see the document parts, look at the code, or to check history post of “”, less convenient, eg:“” is not the current levels of information to inform me

Problem solved, the level has passed
