Stupid duck won't stop blabbing

What level is this?

noticed that it says that sometimes there is no trapper, creating an error on line 35

There is a trapper.

Sky wars, I even posted link clearly above.

what i’m saying is that sometimes the “trapper” died so it would create an error

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No, look at the “error” i’m talking about in the beginning.

The stupid “t.copy is not a function”. I DON’T EVEN HAVE t.copy IN MY CODE!!!

I really want to cuss at the duck.

Don’t. I or others will flag you.


I didn’t cuss after all, I was just very furious.

I can’t even find your level.

CodeCombat - Coding games to learn Python and JavaScript ← level

Like crypti said you need to make sure the trapper exist.

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And also make the other ones ex. assasin and griffin
also exist.

Bruh, I did. The duck keeps blabbing out “t.copy is not a function” once I fixed the code.

abandon the level make another copy of sky wars

No, I spent so much work on this level.

Then the people there will be back to 0.

was this supposed to be dreadthief125 ? (A.K.A me)


I believe the error isn’t from the code you wrote, it is from the building of the level, from the level editor. I can’t help much as I don’t know a lot about the level editor. Can you post the link for the level editor? Maybe someone else can help

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