Summit's gate help!

help would be appreciated.
my code is not working. right after I break through the door, (see picture), after it starts targeting one of the beam towers, after 3 or 4 hits, it stops attacking, and just stands there, but there is no error sign or syntax error.this is my code:
while (true) {
var enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();

if (enemy) {
var ready = hero.isReady("hurl");
if (ready && enemy) {
var ready1 = hero.isReady("stomp");
if (ready1 && enemy) {
var flag = hero.findFlag("green");
if (flag) {



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beam towers normally have 2000 health, but after my hero attacks it once or twice, it won’t attack it anymore.
(by the way, I have the sword of forgotten, so it does a lot of damage a hit.) I expected it to target the ogres or keep attacking the beam tower.

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I think you can try to put the attack code at the bottom.

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Or try to separate each individual section into a different function so you can organize your plans bit by bit, which is more convenient.

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@jcjuly I tried it but it still doesn’t attack, this time earlier.

It stopped attacking.

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Hi there,
You can simplify your code a bit. For example, instead of:

var ready = hero.isReady("hurl");
if (ready && enemy) {

You can do:

if (hero.isReady("hurl") and enemy) {

But, you could organize it even better by having an enemy check at the top, then checking all the various abilities after.

if (enemy) {
    if(hero.isReady("hurl") {
        do hurl things ...
    if(hero.isReady("stomp") {
        do stompy things ...

The simpler your code is, the easier it will be for you to figure out what's going on and where something is going wrong.
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Its still not attacking when I command it to.

while (true) {
    var enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
    if (enemy) {
if (enemy) {
    if(hero.isReady("hurl")) {
    if(hero.isReady("stomp")) {
    var flag = hero.findFlag("green");
    if (flag) {

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No need for help. I am already done now.