Talk about Roblox

Hey um so I have been checking rob lox my Gabe_wewe account and I don’t have
any friend invites or anything what is your username?

I already sent one.

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Oh I must of over looked or something.

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ok(20 characters))))

me too(20 characters)

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ok but it was vannila


birthday present = my own laptop(i was using my dad’s laptop)


Wow! Congrats!

B e friend s w it h me - us erna m e daredhdthj(

I sent a friend request!

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this me:

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look at codecombat:

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I’m free now. Wanna play roblox?

I’m playing natural disaster survival

Im playing on the RP server for jailbreak.

I made new account. called Verxidor or something like that.

hows the story about verxidor going?

oh crap I forgot to tell you guys! my mom took it away and put it in her closet. ( there is no chance of finding it now so that sucks.) her closet has stuff from when I was a baby in it! her closet is HUGE! I tried to sneak in there when they went a date but man I can’t find it anywhere!

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why did she do that?

because I would stay up late at night doing it and I would sleep right after school and I think she got annoyed of waking me up after school.