The Master of names level is broken

Well,i know im new here but the Master of names levels auto code is wrong it says

What did it say about the code? Was it just that you had equipped some more advanced gear that it wasn’t expecting, or…?

Welcome to the forum oaberut but we are not mind-readers so you have to post your code and tell us what is going on

sorry,im dumb,i bought some advanced glasses when i just got the ones for the level

I am also experiencing problems with the level- the 2nd line of default code has an error, but for the life of me, I cannot get the game to let me proceed beyond line 9.

enemy1 = self.findNearestEnemy()

enemy2 = self.findNearestEnemy()

enemy3 = self.findNearestEnemy()

Any suggestions at all?

Your program is sound. It’s the level that is the problem, I believe. Just so you can get through it, do this for all three enemies:

if enemy1:

Also, just for future reference, please post your code in between triple back ticks, like so:

` ` `
Your code goes here.
` ` `

except, no spaces between them.

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I ended up getting it to work with:

    enemy1 = self.findNearestEnemy()
    if enemy1:
    self.say("Come Closer!")

Althought I’m not completely sure I still understand why that worked!

*Edit- I’ve figured it out. I’m telling the character to keep attacking the closest enemy if there is one to be found. If not, make noise and repeat.

For some reason you can’t see the second enemy right away, and so “enemy2” is empty or “null”. (why that is happening is a good question.)

This most recent code handles that problem by using a say (which uses up time) while waiting for more enemies to become visible.

What Hero/boots/sword are you using? are you wearing the speed ring?

Because this level works perfectly when I am using the starter hero wearing the simple boots and wielding the simple sword. (and doesn’t work if I move to fast…)

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I was using Anya with the speed ring, simple boots and short sword . I really think the key was to just take up some time!