these are hand made btw
cool.(some more chars)
AY! Are you trying to bring troll faces back because they have been dead for like 5 or 10 yr.
And i think troll faces are funny!
oh yas finally someone agrees with me that the troll face meme is funny
Some avengers memes
me when my friend dies to the ender dragon in minecraft:
puts his things in a chest what i do with the chest:
when you trying to get illia but you only have
just 6 more gems lol
when you want illia
but your waiting for usura
speaking of usura how much is it gonna cost?
i dont think you should get illia just yet her abilitis are kind of hard too understand
shouldn’t it be
in minecraft
yea i mainly use the basic/free heroes because i started with them and they’re easier for me
@ineedhelpwithcoding she’ll cost 21000 gems
thx for the correction
@ineedhelpwithcoding Usura isn’t going out for a long time so I suggest you get Illia or buy very expensive items
this true okay?
meme i made my self:
its hand made just took a meme from the internet and put a few pictures on
… why now i’m gonna have to save up a lot and I’m not gonna make it and I’m gonna have to restar to get it