I haven’t been playing very often.
best trail and car combo for now
yea me too I haven’t been playing much that I got demoted to ace
I was at pro, but I got demoted to rookie.
wow that’s brutal I might be to though I think
Hi, I’m new here. I hope all is well. I like playing Nitro Type and am on a good team. enPointe77 that speed is awesome. I can only 55-60.
Hello @Lily2010!
Thank youuu and welcome to the forum! This is a family-friendly place where coders can share bugs, ask for help on any CodeCombat level (don’t forget to post your code correctly), or just hang out with other coders. But before you proceed, please check out our guidelines: this topic.
Have a great time!
Thank you for the kind messages. Do you have nitro type accounts? Not to be creepy or anything.
My username in Nitro Type is “fastfisch”. What is yours?
“DogLover101” It says you are not accepting friends though.
Could you friend me? I am need of some.
My parents won’t let me have friends in Nitro Type sadly.
Pov not letting you kid have friends in a game with no text chat
Erm why? You can’t even chat with them
How is your wpm 50 but your highest is 95?? That’s crazy
Also my NT account is the same as on here.
That because my teacher did it one time and she had 95 words per minute