i want metric imperial does not make since America is Dumb
home schooled all my life
How do you like condiments?
- Drizzled
- Dip
0 voters
hi abc, remember me?
yea i do remember u.
What grade are you in?
- Fortnite
- No Fortnite
- Fortnite
- Apex Legends
- Minecraft
- Zombs.io
- slither.io
- krunker.io
- shellshock.io
- any io game
- dauntless
- Halo
- Destiny
- CodeCombat
- Nitro Type
- Prodigy
- Anything that i forgot
0 voters
Hades, deltarune, Undertale, botw, other zelda games, minecraft dungeons
- brussel sprouts
- broccoli
- both
0 voters
You forgot Roblox
1 Like
bruh. that game is dying.
Evade: has 200k players
Wow, are they still active? most likely not
1 Like
nope, still active.
How sure are you about this?
Most are under-10s tho
very. at least, during the weekends it reaches up to 200k
not true.
It is true. I would know, i used to play
Fall guys. And yah its rivived but also dying again.