Trouble beating Max Maxer?

So I have 584 HP. I have a free account. Also, I have 231 gems.
My gear set up is:
-Steel Helmet
-Steel Breastplate
-Crude Spike (Shield)
-Claymore (Sword)
-Boots of Jumping
-Kithgard Worker’s Glasses

My code is:

# Kill the enemy that's farthest away first.

    farthest = None
    maxDistance = 0
    enemyIndex = 0
    enemies = self.findEnemies()
    flag = self.findFlag("green")

    # Look at all the enemies to figure out which one is farthest away.
    while enemyIndex < len(enemies):
        target = enemies[enemyIndex]
        enemyIndex += 1

        # Is this enemy farther than the farthest we've seen so far?
        distance = self.distanceTo(target)
        if distance > maxDistance:
            maxDistance = distance
            farthest = target
    if flag:
    elif farthest:
        if farthest.maxHealth >= 100:
            while > 0:
        elif farthest.maxHealth >= 60:
            while > 0:
                if self.isReady("bash"):
        elif farthest.maxHealth < 60:
            while > 0:

Any tips or tricks that I could use to finally beat this level?

more health… I couldnt take it for health reasons.
There is a mainly similar post to this one, get a look in there :wink:
See here :wink:
try to get more gems. Ways to do so, you can find in manny posts.

I see you only bash if the enemy health is >= 60, check to see if the bash has a faster speed than your claymore, if it is slower, stop bashing, if it is faster then you might try just removing the health requirement from bashing, since a faster killing blow is less damage to you . . . unfortunately it looks like the bash is slower. So bash isn’t doing you any good. The bash on this shield is only helpful on slower swords than the one you have or on sword with less damage per hit so the bash provides a one shot kill. (For now the shields health bonus is helping you but the bash is not)

You should only use the Claymore’s power up if the enemy is “far away”, since the power up is a longer reach. Otherwise, you are trading time (damage to yourself) for a longer reach you don’t need when already in attack range. So remove the power-up or try making it power-up between attack rounds (so you don’t stand there and get hit during the cooldown).

I just did the level with the Darksteel blade (57 DPS, the claymore is 69) I didn’t use the power-up ( +attacks/second), no bashing and I had 605 armor (had 47 left, so 605-47=558 which means that you would have ~26hp left if you were using my sword, with the claymore it is hard to say… (you have more damage per strike but .67 less strikes per second. so my sword takes out slightly more munchkins over time.) But I think you’d make it or be really close (submit for a different seed could fix that either direction.)

If you are still dieing then the question is: when?
If you have one or two enemies left then a small armor purchase could help. the Gloves & Leather Belt give +5 hp each and neither costs much if you don’t have them. If you have them, use them :smile:

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I have enough money to buy some Defensive Boots which can boost my health. But is it worth it? or will my player be too slow to fight anymore? I have the gloves and such and I took your advice with my code.
Here is the revised code:

Kill the enemy that’s farthest away first.

farthest = None
maxDistance = 0
enemyIndex = 0
enemies = self.findEnemies()
flag = self.findFlag(“green”)

# Look at all the enemies to figure out which one is farthest away.
while enemyIndex < len(enemies):
    target = enemies[enemyIndex]
    enemyIndex += 1

    # Is this enemy farther than the farthest we've seen so far?
    distance = self.distanceTo(target)
    if distance > maxDistance:
        maxDistance = distance
        farthest = target
if flag:
elif farthest:
    if farthest.maxHealth >= 100:
        while > 0:
    elif farthest.maxHealth < 100:
        while > 0:
if not farthest:

I die after the 2nd wave pretty much every time.

By the way I can use the jump function with the boots that I have now, should I try that?

Are you placing flags? (You shouldn’t need to and doing so could mess up who the farthest is.)

Is your hero killing the Fangrider, then the munchkins.
then killing the two shamans, then the munchkins.
then killing the two throwers, then the munchkins.

I know you currently aren’t getting that far, but if you are killing the “farthest” that is what should be happening. If you aren’t killing the fangrider/shamans/throwers before munchkins then you should be dieing.

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Thank you so much Vlevo, you were such a great help with your comment. I switched boots so I was faster, and I played with different seeds, until I got a good one, and I play with the flags as well. Thanks so much! Didn’t need to buy the boots after all!