Updated code Royale again! (Sorry if spam)

I updated code Royale AGAIN.
Nerfed night witches, for skeleton spawn cooldown 10-12
Deleted barbarians
Added Inferno Towers
Buffed XBows.
Ladder works now
That’s it! Stay tuned!

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Next time can you post your patches in your other topics?

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Yeh. Sorry if this is spam. Delete this topic if you want

I cant its fine though.

If we switch it to level help, than we can delete it, but for this once it’s fine. Other times though, just do what Eric said. :slightly_smiling_face:

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uno momento, we can delete level help topics???

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Well, they can check the solution box.

@Eric_Tang how will I get feedback for Code Royale, if I can’t make topics?

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You can release like patch notes on your existing topics.


Yeah, but how will people know if a new versions is out, if none is notified?

If you post in a topic it apears in latest.


Ok. Thanks. :slight_smile: 20 charsssss