2b2t discussion

So, in the Minecraft community, recently there has been a lot of discussion about 2b2t. I was thinking yes, it is about minecraft, but if it is a really big discussion, we should make a topic for it and then post other stuff in the minecraft topic. So here is all of the 2b2t stuff now!

Credits to JoPro to teach me how to format this xD

Credits to @CocoCharlie for the og minecraft topic here.

Thanks for the credit. Idk what 2d2t is though

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2b2t with a b(2builders2tools)

I won’t tell you what is is unless i want to be memed like FitMC
“It is the oldest anarchy server in minecraft…” (echoes through my head)

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lol im a loyal watcher so i stay updated and when he was i ubering newbies he stalked one of them like a person on the discovery channel
“here we see the new player in ts natural habitat” Fitmc


Yes, i like 2baguettes2tréchbucket

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i watched fit vs the viper base where his old team(team veterans were formed to defeat the campingrushers team) finaly came out of retire ment but only six of them

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oh and if you dont know the camping rusher he is a youtuber

dot know?? 20 chars suck

what does “dot” mean

idk you know? 20 CHARSSSSSS

oh i changed it (20 people on discord)

I hear that in my head to XD.

ha mine too i just can not stop hearing it echo echo echo


And since I am not on java I like what he does.

this topic thing is growing like the popoulation of “new players in their natural habitat”

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Wow @Ashmit_Singh really? XD

no seriously first 1 hour it was just me and JoPro

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Very true. (2000000)

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Fitnoblade hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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