The default hearing delay for units is [0.5, 2].
But I don’t understand how it prevents to pass the level? I set hearingDelay to [2, 2] and passed without problems.
The default hearing delay for units is [0.5, 2].
But I don’t understand how it prevents to pass the level? I set hearingDelay to [2, 2] and passed without problems.
it prevents me to surpass top result
4 sec in this cast
seems not realistic
but who know
I stick to the level
Until i surpass top realistic result
Or i think what i did my best
in this case this "hearing delays"
was huge obstacles on the way
i wanted to know
can i do about it something or not
thanks to you explanation
I realized that can`t
nice if i am wrong
but here no other way to process messages
except pet.on( “hear”, function)
so i change research direction
At one moment i think that case of pet password
is reversed version of hero’s password
but few submit let me know
i am get it wrong
So seems 2nd layer of way to get pet password not exist
Top performer with 4 second result probably is measuring error
So do my best with result - 7.6
And relatively nice solution
Thanks for level
and explanations
How do you even write the function .toUpperCase and .toLowerCase? Or like what would the identifier be for it?
toUpperCase is written like .toUpperCase()
. But you must first assign text to be capitalized. An example of a good use of toUpperCase would be:
var text = "This is some text";
var capitalText = text.toUpperCase();
// capitalText should look something like: "THIS IS SOME TEXT"
The same goes for toLowerCase. toLowerCase is written like .toLowerCase()
var text = "This is some text";
var smallText = text.toLowerCase();
// smallText should look something like: "this is some text"