i will PM you mine later when i have the finial part
ok great @ZAX155(20 chars)
Anyone else participating?
So far, @Nam_Khanh_Trang_trai is in the lead for damage, @EpicCoder999 is winning in best looks, @AnSeDra is winning for speed! If anyone else will join they might just take lead
However @duck.exe is neck to neck with @EpicCoder999 they both have great outfits(if @duck.exe is saying the truth )
well i will get better boots!
and obssidian helm is not cooler than worn gragon
yes but for @duck.exe(His armor is all in red which is shows that he does everything in sync)
Yes but you and @duck.exe are still tied unless you can find better things(nvm you are in the lead for looks)
because your pet gives you an advantage
i got engraved obsidian shield now, shiny shield!
coolbut your already in the lead so no worries
yay! thx so muc! Tell people to post armor on my page too
sure but i promised chaboi not to spam/ post links because i almost got muted for spamming links so he wont be sypathetic for my link posting
The top 3 finalists are:
- @Nam_Khanh_Trang_trai
- @AnSeDra
I will host a final compitetion!
@Chihya_957 please do not revive dead topics unless you have a similar issue!
I would usually agree, but this isn’t really an issue topic. It’s just adding to the armour which has already been shown. Maybe someone else might join in now…
I talked about this. This contest is over.