Blazing Battle strategy trading chat!

And the hints tell you all the diff types of towers and their stats, you can test em out and see which one you need

Build the same tower on the same spot a few times.

cool thank you just need to try it

thank you (stupid little characters)

@JibeBot Hello and welcome to the discourse!

🤔 I'm not sure there's a way to do it quickly, but the level Taunting could be helpful.

You can use:


and put the object type as the string (returns an array of the objects)


I had an idea.
I am making a while True loop that checks whether the array has any contents. The only problem is, I don’t know how what the array returns as if it finds nothing. Do you? I’m going to test it out.

Dunno if this would work but maybe

if arrayitems == 0:
    #run your code
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