my impression on the difficulties of CodeCombat worlds:
glacier is easy if you understand
I say cloudrip is harder than glacier
idk, I think that cloudrip is a little bit more basic
when I started glacier, I could not figure out how to use vector at all.
I agree, but I needed help on the first couple of levels, then I picked up speed
Some levels in cloudrip are really hard, but they come in “sets”. If you understand the one new coding skill, you can beat the set.
Cloudrip is much easier, as it covers everything in the latter concepts of Introductory Python courses. Glacier is when it gets to Intermediate Programming.
the dungeon is easy it shouldn’t be hard at all
I just beat all of the sub-only kithgard levels in about half an hour.
I beat them in 10 mins
I defeated it in about 5 minutes only because I kept moving
my sis did them in 3 mins
Wow!!! how did she complete the level that fast
sorta hacked
(what she told me)
I beat them fast, because I’m at the end of mountain.
same but I did the campaign needed to get to glacier, then I finished glacier
I’m still working on Summit’s gate.
it is insanely hard, might take a while
it was easy (spent 15 mins)