
最近网易推出了极客战记(www.codecombat.163.com ),百度广告说是“CodeCombat美国官方授权中国代理”,但是按照我的理解,既然是开源的项目,为什么还有“授权”一说?想确认下这个说法,有谁知道吗?



Hi there,
We are open source, but most of our levels are not included in that.

NetEase is a partner of ours and authorized to use all our materials.



Here is what I’m sending to our China-based customers:
CodeCombat is currently working with NetEase. Chinese users of CodeCombat can register and pay for subscriptions at codecombat.163.com. Thank you!



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Thank you for your reply! it’s very clear and my question is perfectly answered. Thank you very much.

but we can’t even visit codecombat.com in China anymore, I try to use VPN, but all links lead to codecobat.163.com;

why do they do these? I don’t understand

We are working with 163.com, one of the largest internet companies in China, to run our China CodeCombat server now, and so we have redirected cn.codecombat.com to the account migration page there (if you want to migrate your cn.codecombat.com account). See this blog post for more information.