Dotnetfiddle and practical application

Hello, everyone.

I have made the decision to start moving away from CodeCombat (I am sorry to see you go) and start working on a more professional scale.

CodeCombat, you have been a great help, and I am more than happy to keep this community alive. I will check back in every once in a while to see what’s up.

But on that note, for those who are looking for something more than just premade programs, and feel as though you are ready for a larger scale come talk to me. While I am no expert, I am looking forward to sharing tips and tricks with you in the future.

If you head over to .NET fiddle, you can find a functional online console for you to experiment with, which is what I use for my C# mad science stuff.

This is a great chance to use the stuff you have learned in CodeCombat to practical use.


Good luck on your work!


Much appreciated. This platform got me started on the fundamentals of coding and I will always be partial to it.


I hope you do great and will one day find this as a career. I’m sure that if you stick to it, you will. :slightly_smiling_face:

Great and will one day find this as a career I hope you do. To it i’m sure that if you stick, you will.

What are you doing/saying? I think it’s kinda spamming, don’t you?

using System;			
public class Program{
	public static void Main(){
			Console.WriteLine("Insert a number into the console to square root it.");
			double number = (double)Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); //Converts the input variable to a double
			if(number > 0){
				double numSqrt = Math.Sqrt(number);
				Console.WriteLine("Rounded up to the nearest whole number is: "+Math.Ceiling(numSqrt));
				Console.WriteLine("Rounded down to the nearest whole number is: "+Math.Floor(numSqrt));
			}else if(number ==0){
			}else if(number < 0){
				Console.WriteLine("This is traditionally impossible, but here's what I can do for you...");
				double numberSqrtNeg = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(number));
				Console.WriteLine("Rounded up to the nearest whole number is: "+Math.Ceiling(numberSqrtNeg)+"i");
				Console.WriteLine("Rounded down to the nearest whole number is: "+Math.Floor(numberSqrtNeg)+"i");

Self teaching can be vry slow sometimes.
Cant tell you how many times i tried to convert a string to a double before googling.

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using System;

public class Program{
	public static void Main(){
		Console.WriteLine("IN PROGRESS DONT JUDGE");
			Console.WriteLine("Please create a password that is at least 8 characters long and uses one symbol: ");
			string password = Console.ReadLine();
			int passwordLength = password.Length;
			if(passwordLength < 8){
				Console.WriteLine("Invalid Password...");
				int passwordSymbolCheck = password.IndexOf("!","?","#","%","$","@","&"); //Overload error help me
				if(passwordSymbolCheck > 0){
					Console.WriteLine("Password eligible");
					Console.WriteLine("Please use a symbol.");

Im trying to find a way to see if it includes any of these variables, but I’m getting an overload error. Is there a way I can include all of this without having to take like 20 lines?

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using System;
public class Program{
	public static void Main(){
			string cons = ("CONSOLE:");
			Console.WriteLine(cons+"Create a password that is at least 8 characters long and uses at least one symbol and one number: ");
			string password = Console.ReadLine();
			int passwordLength = password.Length;	//Checks the length of the password
			if(passwordLength < 8){
				Console.WriteLine(cons+"Please make your password at least 8 characters long.");
				//Symbol Check
				int passwordSymbolCheck = 0;
				int checkExclamation = password.IndexOf("!");		
				if(checkExclamation >0){
					passwordSymbolCheck += 1;
				}int checkQuestion = password.IndexOf("?");
				if(checkQuestion >0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}int checkPound = password.IndexOf("#");
				if(checkPound > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}int checkAnd = password.IndexOf("&");
				if(checkAnd > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}int checkPercent = password.IndexOf("%");
				if(checkPercent > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}int checkDollar = password.IndexOf("$");
				if(checkDollar > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}int checkAsterisk = password.IndexOf("*");
				if(checkAsterisk > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}int checkAt = password.IndexOf("@");
				if(checkAt > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}int checkBracketLeft = password.IndexOf("[");
				if(checkBracketLeft > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}int checkBracketRight = password.IndexOf("]");
				if(checkBracketRight > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}int checkParenthLeft = password.IndexOf("(");
				if(checkParenthLeft > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}int checkParenthRight = password.IndexOf(")");
				if(checkParenthRight > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
					//Numbers Check
				if(passwordSymbolCheck > 0){
					int passwordNumberCheck = 0;
					int checkZero = password.IndexOf("0");
					if(checkZero > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}int checkOne = password.IndexOf("1");
					if(checkOne > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}int checkTwo = password.IndexOf("2");
					if(checkTwo >0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}int checkThree = password.IndexOf("3");
					if(checkThree > 0){
					}int checkFour = password.IndexOf("4");
					if(checkFour > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}int checkFive = password.IndexOf("5");
					if(checkFive > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}int checkSix = password.IndexOf("6");
					if(checkSix > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}int checkSeven = password.IndexOf("7");
					if(checkSeven > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}int checkEight = password.IndexOf("8");
					if(checkEight > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}int checkNine = password.IndexOf("9");
					if(checkNine > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					//Now to check if it works
					if(passwordNumberCheck > 0){
						Console.WriteLine(cons+"Password is eligible");
						Console.WriteLine(cons+"Please use a number");
					Console.WriteLine(cons+"Please use a symbol.");

And now to streamline aaaaaaaaaaaa

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How I streamline e

using System;
public class Program{
	public static void Main(){
			Console.WriteLine("CONSOLE: Create a password that is at least 8 characters long and uses at least one symbol and one number: ");
			string password = Console.ReadLine();
			int passwordLength = password.Length;
			if(passwordLength < 8){
				Console.WriteLine("CONSOLE: Please make your password at least 8 characters long.");
				int passwordSymbolCheck = 0;	
				if(password.IndexOf("!") >0){
					passwordSymbolCheck += 1;
				}if(password.IndexOf("?") >0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}if(password.IndexOf("#") > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}if(password.IndexOf("&") > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}if(password.IndexOf("%") > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}if(password.IndexOf("$") > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}if(password.IndexOf("*") > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}if(password.IndexOf("@") > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}if(password.IndexOf("[") > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}if(password.IndexOf("]") > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}if(password.IndexOf("(") > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}if(password.IndexOf(")") > 0){
					passwordSymbolCheck +=1;
				}if(passwordSymbolCheck > 0){
					int passwordNumberCheck = 0;
					if(password.IndexOf("0") > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}if(password.IndexOf("1") > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}if(password.IndexOf("2") >0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}if(password.IndexOf("3") > 0){
					}if(password.IndexOf("4") > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}if(password.IndexOf("5") > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}if(password.IndexOf("6") > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}if(password.IndexOf("7") > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}if(password.IndexOf("8") > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}if(password.IndexOf("9") > 0){
						passwordNumberCheck +=1;
					}if(passwordNumberCheck > 0){
						Console.WriteLine("CONSOLE: Password is eligible");
						Console.WriteLine("CONSOLE: Please use a number");
					Console.WriteLine("CONSOLE: Please use a symbol.");
1 Like

I need some assistance with something. Anyone who is a person of culture may contribute. This is a project that is important to me. You dont need to know that much C# in order to help.