Error in dueling grounds (cheating?)

I think @Buddeycc (sorry for ping) could be cheating
it says “You can’t use Hero Placeholder’s IsReady method”
I think he is using the enemy control hack

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To the best of my knowledge, I didn’t do it intentionally though I may have accidentally, are you sure this isn’t your problem. Also, I haven’t touched my blue code in a long time because I can’t get my current inventnory applied to it. I’m pretty sure my code for blue is very simple though I will just submit something else. I believe that I fixed it. It doesn’t happen anymore. The error was referring to the opponent incorrectly, which caused the opponent to bug

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It is a well known CC bug. Another one I know is
“You can’t use Hero Placeholder’s move method”

anyways you guys can try to beat my cavern survival code :slight_smile:

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Thanks for telling :smiley: