Some people are cheating in multiplayer arenas.
They go on github, and copy paste code.
I’ve fought many people with using Nick’s code.
Since people like Wizard Dude or NoJuice4U post their code, inevitably, some people copy paste it.
Please stop this if you are one of those people.
It merely ruins the game for people who want to play some multiplayer. I am in 50th place on Ace Of coders, and I have fought numerous people who just copy pasted Nick’s or some other experianced player’s code.
Please just stop this.
Please, at the start of a match put hero.say(“END THE COPY PASTERS PLEASE”)
Yes, CodeCombat is about learning, not taking other people’s codes and using it. If you don’t cheat, you will learn so much more.
@Chaboi_3000, there’s a hint in CodeCombat before you start the level, it says “can’t figure something out? Google it.” I find this very misleading and might be part of the cause of these cheats. Is there a way to change this?
I have no clue what you mean. Can I have screenie plz?
Um, no, bc I can’t find it. It just popped up today.
Them cheating is their just cheating on themselves, not learning anythin
Yes, that is true. However, it can be considered plagiarism-which is unacceptable. They are not only cheating themselves, but are stealing others works.
Indeed. However in tournaments where there are prizes(Such as the leagues), I’m sure there are checks for copied-code.
It probably is, but I think we should still encourage using google for looking up things. I think they mean more things like: how to do a for loop, or how to use arrays, and you might find a helpful w3 schools page or something. Google is a very useful tool for finding out how to do programming, not just for looking for solutions, even if some people do use it for that purpose.
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yep, its a tip, sorrys no time for screenie!
yep, but sometimes when I’m stuck, or like after I try a lot, i sometimes actually do that, I mean I search google
yep, they dont learn anything, sucks a lot
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