Friday Night Funkin

Sorry if im wrong but are there words in this game at all?

Idk, I’ve never really heard of this game before.

yeah the dialogue of one particular week is nsfw

Well its just one week isn’t it. And plus I don’t think someones actually gonna post that. End of conversation.


I mean week 6 with Senpai and week 7 with Tankman have a little amount of language.

My dad will say the words if he’s angry.

but still, there are kids down here and most of the kid’s parents don’t want their kids learning these bad words.

Again you two no ones gonna post it on here so it doesn’t matter.


Let’s actually talk about the dang game.

well hrmmmmm I like zavodilla a lot(ruv mod)

I like all the mods.

there is an option to turn of naughtiness, not sure if it turns off the week 6+7 stuff tho

i need to edit it again for week 7, i forgot how to tho

I don’t really want to download the game. But I do want to play it. Can you send me a link to the browser?

(Btw I know a lot about the game and the mods)

Wait nvm I found it.

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When I play in full screen, it seems kinda scary and overwhelming…

You can play it on newgrounds for week 7, anywhere else you only have until week 6

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Casette Girl, Mid-fight Masses, Bob and Bosip, all incredibly made mods with tons of content, very well made charting and awesome music.
I love the OG game and week 4 and 7 have the best music IMO, I love the amazing art style, characters and the insane variety of skins, custom music and even newly made engines to run the game in!
Other mods I recommend are Kapi, Tricky, Shaggy and Doki Doki Takeover.
Also the amount of content the creators have promised from the kickstarter is INSANE.

hey guys, play animation vs fnf its really good. search it up. also among us vs fnf. ONLY FOR PROS LOL