Giant's Gate Help!

What is the best stragegy in the giant’s gate?
I tried to defend with fireball and summon shaman to attack but still not make it

while True:
        hero.summon("shaman", "A")
        for enemy in enemies:
            if>0 :
                if enemy and enemy.type!="giant" and enemy.type!=hero.type :
                    if enemy.type!="munchkin" and enemy.type!="thrower" and enemy.type!="shaman":
                        hero.cast("fireball", enemy.x,enemy.y)

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That is for you to figure out. We can help with syntax errors and the like.

probably (for now)
warlocks + shamans or brawlers (Venneth uses this)

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unfortunately, he use the same and I still end up tie and lose the sudden death

Welcome to the forum @Vader_Plays! :partying_face: This is a friendly place where you can ask help on levels, report bugs, or just chat with other coders! Don’t forget to read the guidelines if you haven’t yet. Have a great time!

how to spawn unit imediately when enemy’s towers has been taken down?

Use witch instead of shaman. Or use warlock

Can you stop reviving topics please

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